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Shaping points/GPS availability.

Hi there.

I made a route in Basecamp yesterday then tried to ride it on the motorbike. The GPS signal was still being aquired after I passed the start point of the route. A short while later I got a 'make a u turn' instruction. I repeated the process today and got no such instruction, however due to traffic/road conditions I couldn't keep an eye on the screen to see exactly when the GPS reception hooked up but I suspect it was before the start point of the route. The next shaping point was many miles ahead.

Is it the case that if GPS reception is aquired after the start point of a rout,e the Garmin Zumo LM will want to take me back to the start point whereupon it will issue me yet another 'make a u turn ' instruction to send me back in the direction I originally wanted to go?

Basecamp and Zumo all up to date.
