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I've given up on Basecamp (and my ZUMO XT for that matter!). I spent the last two days watching tutorials on how to do things that are super-simple on Google Maps. I use GPSs all the time since I am a pirvate pilot and an avid sailor, but this is ridiculous. I finally somewhat understand how Basecamp works, but it took me forever to plan the first leg of my motorcycle trip (dirt and paved roads) and I still have another nine legs to go! 

I am really surprised that GARMIN would have such a terrible program! I'm going back to Google Maps and my smartphone. What a disappointment!

I'm a VERY unsatisfied customer.

  • Ah well no point ranting here then. I've used BaseCamp for over 12 years, creating routes both on and off road for my driving and hiking routes. Couldn't do the hiking routes on Google maps and I find it far easier to plan driving routes in BaseCamp and send them to my Garmin. Google maps is fine for simple routes from A to B but not so easy if you want to force the route the way you want. It also drops out too often when navigating, something my Garmin doesn't do.