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Basecamp and Big Sur


I just installed Basecamp on my Mac yesterday, plugged in my Oregon650t and man it's running slow beyond belief. Didn't have this problem on my 2011 Mac. Is there a way to fix this problem? Seems like every second or two, the rainbow wheel of death shows up and stops me from navigating through the app. Current maps I have on device are US too 100K. Code red, please help. *UPDATE*---Change map view from 2-D to 3-D until a new update release from Garmin. Works good.

  • It is you that have completely missed the point. What about Mac users?  MapSource is Windows. You completely missed the Mac aspect of this, and that was pretty much the point. BaseCamp is available and hobbled to the point of nearly unusable. And it has issues going back years and years that have not been fixed. Garmin failed to update BaseCamp to work with the new macOS, and it had months to do so. Leaving people in the lurch like this when these older devices that will still be around for a few more years but yanking BaseCamp is not good business practice. 

    It looks like Garmin is going all-in with InReach sat comm devices and abandoning non-sat comm GPS devices. 

    Garmin is moving to a subscription based alternative Explore to BaseCamp that will supersede BaseCamp and obsolete millions of GPSr devices. Too soon. They need to keep BaseCamp modern for a few more years while the current non-InReach devices they are selling age out. 

  • I'm aware MapSource is Windows thanks, I posted that above. No one has yanked BaseCamp just as MapSource hasn't been.  Those of us that hang on to older devices have to accept software moves on, and eventually move on too, I've only recently updated to Windows 10, or muddle through. It's our choice, but we can't expect legacy programs to run forever.

  • BaseCamp is not a legacy program. There are many Garmin GPSr devices still being sold that are not compatible with the online Explore replacement for BaseCamp. Therefore, BaseCamp needs to be kept modern to support and complement all those devices that are still new models, being sold, and that are not compatible with Explore.

  • Please notify me when the Big Sur issue is resolved. Thanks so much.

  • I need to confirm your email address which I can't do on the public-facing forum post. Please send me a PM and I'll get you added.

  • Can you just post (start a thread) on these forums when the new BaseCamp is available?

  • Please come quickly with an update Garmin! It is now taking far too long. During the beta period of MacOS you could already have solved this problem.

    Take good care of your loyal customers!

  • 'Looking into the issue'? You said this nearly 3 weeks ago. And still no sign from Garmin to solve this extremely slow basecamp under big sur. This is a reason to go for other hardware-supplier too next time.

  • The definition of Legacy product is whatever is not compatible with Garmin Explore, what appears to be the online successor to BaseCamp. The bad news is that Garmin does not appear to be supporting BaseCamp for the legacy products, and the legacy products are not compatible with Explore, so all those legacy products are without BaseCamp for management of all those devices. The really bad news is that Garmin is still selling many new products that are not compatible with Explore, and therefore need BaseCamp to be a high quality software for many years to come. 

  • Just had an update to 4.8.10 - still doesn't work.