Why Did Garmin's Software Engineers Put in the "Search When Click" Function?

I have been using Basecamp since it came out and making the program search for random stuff whenever you click on a map is the single most useless aspect of the program. I have literally NEVER found it useful but there have been hundreds of times when I was trying to grab the map to drag it and had to make it stop one of these worthless searches. So my question is: Why can't Garmin's software engineers fix this egregious flaw?

  • Not quite sure what you're referring to, but then I'm on Windows so maybe the mac version works differently as I never get random searches like you describe.  As for fixing anything BaseCamp development ended a while back, so it is now what it is.

  • I hear you - same complaint.  Not sure why Garmin has abandoned this software - I use it daily.  The Connect website is like a butter-knife compared to the swiss-army Basecamp.  Connect just can't get the job done.  I only use it because soon after I purchased my EdgeExplore, they dropped the ability to download it locally, so Connect is the only option.  That alone is reason that I won't buy another Garmin - crippled by bad design decisions.

  • I've been using BC since its first port to Mac and have never seen this happen. If you are using the arrow tool you do indeed get a search box when you click on the map (as opposed to clicking on or marquee-selecting a waypoint etc.), but using the hand tool to move the map, never.