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Odd image sharing options on Virb Mobile App (Android)

When looking at an image in the virb mobile app from my Virb XE the sharing options are a bit limited. I can share to the official Twitter application but to Falcon Pro (a different twitter application that I use). Also there is no way of just saving the image to the phone so no way of taking a picture off the camera then adding it my ride in the Strava app.

A lot of these options are a bit broken anyway as you can't share to any of these online services as the phone has no internet connection when you're doing this. Wifi is connected to the camera and the camera has no internet connection.

Why can't I save locally or share to Falcon Pro?

I think this feature is so nearly there but not quite.
  • On both iOS and Android the app should just be looking for any app that advertises itself as "accepting" shared photos. Are you using iOS or Android? (Edit: missed the "(Android)" part of the title).

    Also, many phones with cellular data connection will be able to share even though you are connected to the VIRB's wifi. But if that won't work for you then you will need to switch wifi (the VIRB app should have a message regarding this on the sharing screen).
  • I tried to share a picture by WhatsApp. But it says "Video Upload", so I cancel it to avoid breaking my traffic limit.
    Tried it several times, but it always shows about transferring a video...
  • I tried to share a picture by WhatsApp. But it says "Video Upload", so I cancel it to avoid breaking my traffic limit.
    Tried it several times, but it always shows about transferring a video...

    I believe this is just a bug with the title, and it is still a photo being shared in reality. I will double check with the Android developers to ensure this is the case, and will ensure it is fixed in a future version.
  • When looking at an image in the virb mobile app from my Virb XE the sharing options are a bit limited. I can share to the official Twitter application but to Falcon Pro (a different twitter application that I use). Also there is no way of just saving the image to the phone so no way of taking a picture off the camera then adding it my ride in the Strava app.

    A lot of these options are a bit broken anyway as you can't share to any of these online services as the phone has no internet connection when you're doing this. Wifi is connected to the camera and the camera has no internet connection.

    Why can't I save locally or share to Falcon Pro?

    I think this feature is so nearly there but not quite.

    What other apps were you expecting to show up for sharing but didn't? All apps on your phone that advertise photo support should show up (IE Photos, Gallery, etc).
  • Photo sharing

    We made a change that will better differentiate between photos and videos when sharing. This will give you the options I think you are missing. This change will appear in the next release.
