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Virb App Android NEW version 18/06/2015

At 18 of June garm send an update for VirbMobile at android phone:
the new are:
Now supporting VIRB X/XE action cameras!
• Play, edit, add G-MetrixTm, and share recorded videos
• View and share photos
• Preview videos while recording
• Seamlessly control multiple VIRB action cameras at once
• Delete videos and photos from your VIRB remotely

so when i read this i think: WOW, too late but good!!!



and try!!!

no garmin virb elite support
only XE

really bad news

any other try new version?
  • I was also disappointed this update does not offer any media library functions for the Virb Elite, even when it was mentioned it was on the roadmap more than a year ago:
    I can see this feature not implemented in the old model could be one reason to go and buy the new camera, but the new model has no viewfinder screen, which I think is a very important feature. Just a week ago I used the Virb Elite to take a lot of video clips and still images during a long bike tour. I doubt the pictures would have come correctly aligned and framed if I had not used the built in screen. and taking out the phone each time to check the correct camera position would have been very inconvenient! I might instead carry a wifi enabled waterproof camera I already have.
  • Really Annoyed

    I had the exact same experience. Totally disgusted that Garmin have chosen only to support this obvious feature we have all been waiting for on the XE.

    Garmin - Think about all those early adopters who have struggled their way through all the defects, bugs and crashes with this product waiting patiently for you to sort them out and add features we all expected when we bought our virb in the first place. Now you do this to us? I certainly won't be buying you new camera.

  • 336

    my garmin products:

    fenix: stop update, hardware good but bad software, nothing work fine
    810: stop update, at the moment use a beta firmware, i read in this forum the perfect definition of this situation "there's a man work on this software only in the month with R"
    virb elite: VIrb elite??? wht's this product??? if you don't have garmin virb XE you are anybody!!!

    so, all problem can solve with more update...


    ask again please garmin make new update

    p.s.: sorry for my really bad english...