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WP8 apps

Hi Garmin, are you currently developing or have any plans to develop WP8 apps like Garmin Connect and VIRB? I would really like it if you did please. I'm considering upgrading from 500 to 510, but think it's not really worth it if I cannot use the phone integration features, and would really be keen to upgrade my 910xt to your next model if it has the same features as the 620. Thanks
  • I would really like to know this as well. Definitely want a VIRB app! But in general I would really like to see Garmin bring their Windows Phone offerings in line with what they offer on Android and iOS. And it's not like they have completely ignored the platform because they did release Street Pilot. So there is some experience there with developing for it. They just need to expand that out to these other apps. Please Garmin, make it so!
  • Ignoring the Windows Phone / Modern App market is a stupid move on Garmin's part. Microsoft has already made great strides with enabling universal apps between Windows Phone and Windows 8 which opens up the market to more than just phone users. This will only be expanded, solidified and streamlined with the release of Windows 10 which will run on Desktops/Laptops, Tablets, Smartphones and even the Xbox. Windows Phone 8 market share may not be that large at the moment but once you consider all the additional users that Garmin could target by building Universal Apps the story changes. I would think they would want to get ahead of that curve and plan for the future...

    We can only hope that they will wake up and change their position when Windows 10 is released and finishes the unification of the Windows ecosystem.
  • We just released this, just saying. :)

    Currently just for Windows Phone 8.1, but we are definitely evaluating what we can do once Windows 10 hits.
  • what about the garmin connect? maybe more users are waiting this app.