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Sony XA1 Android 7.0 (Nougat) + Virb ultra 30 ...poor performance

Former Member
Former Member
Just like to let you know the mobile app is rubbish for this particular phone / platform...I can connect without issue and view live video and start recording etc but I can not then download that back to my phone, not even a 3 second clip, waited for over 5 minutes and it was poor, doesn't play etc....useless.
And why the *** does the Virb app need my location turning on? Not necessary. Should simply be able to load onto phone and edit / distribute however.

My pal downloaded the iPhone version and instantly it was fine..very, very quick....why is the android situation so poor?? My old crappy cheap HTC and old virb mobile app was slow but at least it worked....

Garmin, I appreciate some android stuff is out of your control, but get your act together, your software is always hit and miss....everyone needs to be a techy just to get stuff working in the Garmin world..