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Rotate Video

I own a Virb ultra 30, and most of the time the video's are wrong orientated.
In the settings i have the video orientating on "Automatic"

Is there a possibility to rotate the video on the camera or on virb-edit mobile?
I cannot find it.

On the windows software there is, but it is very frustrating when i play the video on my mobile phone that the picture is upside down.
  • You have to "share" the video. Then you will be referred in the edit mode and you can cut it, add gauges and possibly rotate it.

    In one of the last Virb Mobile updates, they removed the "Edit" menu (for reasons) and hide it behind the "Share" Button (to confuse).
  • Thanks for your answer.

    I know that some edit optopns are behind the share button, i find it strange to.
    But i didn't find a option to rotate the video.

    I think that rotate the video must be onder the library.

    Tried today again to make a video. i have the virb on a chestmount, upside down.
    And again are all the video's upside down.
    But the setting is automatic detection.
  • But i didn't find a option to rotate the video.

    Ok, it was a guess that there is hopefully a rotation option.
    But your problem is the not working auto. rotation. Maybe you have an issue with the cam. I just have an X and XE. Both rotate automatically.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 7 years ago
    Thanks, but the problem is not working.