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iOS Virb App deletes all the EXIF data?!


I have the Virb XE camera and an iPhone with the Virb App, if I use the app to download a photo it strips out all it's EXIF data ( i.e. Location info and from memory camera name, focal length etc )

As I am also a developer and have written a native iOS app, I know that by default iOS strips this data out of images so you need to read the EXIF data from the source image when it is copied off the Virb and the re-embed this info into the image that you then save / share etc.

Please do fix this in a future release of the App, otherwise to get this data you have to use the USB cable to copy the image off, which is a pain if it's at home....

Sites like Strava use the location data to be able to pin point where the photos are taken, without it they don't have a clue.

If you need any more info about the above, I am sure I can dig out some example code if it will help :)

