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App shows 'No media to show'


Suddenly,y app on iPad and iPhone shows 'no media to show' in the app. Even though I have several videos and pictures on my Garmin virb xe.

I have checked on a PCs that the files are still there.


I have tried to reinstall the app.
  • Did you get this resolved in any way?

    I'm on a road trip in America and have been using the Virb XE every day now and looking at the footage taken every night without you any issues until today. When I connect now it says there are no videos to show! It's as if they have all been deleted. The card when empty shows I can store 10 hours of video and now it shows just over 7 hours so I know there is stuff on the card.

    I removed the card and did a hard reset of the camera and then put the card back in but it still the same.

    I have recorded another couple of clips since and they show OK but the original few days are still not showing up.

    I can't look on a computer though as I'm away from home.

    Is this the same as yours?
  • It happens to me sometimes, also.
    You can solve it by formatting the SD Card. Then the media will be shown again, for a while.
    I think, the app doesn´t get it, if you record a lot an another folder was created (101, 102, ect.).
  • If I format the card surely I'll lose all my data!
  • That happened to me this weekend. I was using the Join wifi option. Restarting both the camera and the app almost fixed it, because I also had to remind the camera which network to connect to. If you have lots of files, it will take time to load the library.

    Have you tried both Join and Mobile modes? If Join is not working, it's always a good idea to reboot your router before tinkering with the rest of devices.