Are you running the latest version of VIRB Edit?
You can always find the most up-to-date version at
Is your graphics card driver up to date?
Make sure it is, old and faulty drivers will interfere with VIRB Edit video playback and export.
Are you running BitDefender or some other Anti-Virus software?
We've had several users report that export does not work if they have BitDefender ( Anti-Virus software running. Try disabling your Anti-Virus software temporarily and see if that fixes export in VIRB Edit. For BitDefender, exclude VirbEdit from the Active Virus Control (AVC). Then export should work.
We've also had some users report issues with other Anti-Virus software. is excellent and free (and built-in in Windows 8).
Are you using videos from a VIRB device
We'd love for VIRB Edit to work with all sorts of video files. However, our main objective is to make sure it works with videos from VIRB cameras. If you do have trouble with non-VIRB videos, try setting the volume of your clips to 0, this has helped in some cases.
Try exporting from the Video Gallery, not from the Edit page
We've had some users report that Export works if they do it from the Video Gallery, but not if they export from the Edit page. We are looking into why that is, but in the mean-time, it's worth a try.
I get a warning about a 4GB file size limit, what's up with that?
On Windows 7 (not on Windows 8), the software we use to write video files has an unfortunate 4 GB file size limit. So if your video is too long, it will hit that limit and export will fail. To make matters worse, it will fail at the very end of a possibly very long export process. That is why VIRB Edit warns you that you might hit that limit. You can still attempt the export if you want to. To circumvent the 4 GB limit you could: a) make a shorter video, b) make a video at a lower resolution or c) upgrade to Windows 8. At 1080p, you should be able to squeeze about 25 minutes into 4GB.
None of the above is any help at all, I am running the newest version and I am using VIRB videos only, I swear!
Try another export, then locate the following folder on your hard-drive: C:\Users\{YOUR USERNAME}\AppData\Local\Temp\VirbEdit\{Latest Version of VIRB Edit}. For me, currently running 2.6.2 this would be C:\Users\FALAGAR\AppData\Local\Temp\VirbEdit\2.6.2.
There should be at least one file in there named something like: ExportLog1392221853.txt.log. Send an email to [email][email protected][/email], attach the log file(s) and let us know what kind of computer you are trying to use VIRB Edit with.
We are interested in:
- Is it a Laptop or a Desktop?
- Give us the model name if you can. (Something like "Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro", or "Dell Optiplex 990".)
- How much RAM does your computer have?
- What CPU does it have?
- What GPU (graphics card) does it have and how much memory does that card have?
Be advised that video editing is a very computing-intensive task. So the faster your PC and GPU the better the experience will be. So exporting with a 4 year old netbook will probably not work very well.