I did some testing to find a workaround to syncing video and fitness files in Garmin Virb Edit after it recently broke. This method involves editing the metadata of your video files (using a script and ffmpeg) so when you import them into Garmin Virb Edit, they are in sync with your fitness data. Essentially this is manually syncing your video files using Strava flyby (which shows your activity time) and your source video files.
All my testing was done with GoPro Hero 11 mini video files. Please let me know if they does or doesn't work with other cameras or if it needs changes. I've only done limited testing, but, wanted to share to see if there are changes I should make.
I haven't had time to write proper usage and instructions. For now I made a screen recording and YouTube video of how to install and use the script.
Current Release on GitHub: https://github.com/vcbb10/Video-Timecode-Modifier/releases/tag/v2.0
YouTube Tutorial of v2.0 with batch processing: https://youtu.be/PkgtDeTRSNs
YouTube Tutorial of v1.0: https://youtu.be/ehsWGAbFjJ0
No longer needed: YouTube Install and Download Instructions (at the end of that YouTube video): https://youtu.be/ehsWGAbFjJ0?si=21TBPfUf-inz1NfQ&t=1130
No longer needed: ffmpeg (required): https://github.com/GyanD/codexffmpeg/releases/tag/2023-09-07-git-9c9f48e7f2
Again, please leave me feedback if you have issues or suggestions to make this easier.