Script error on that page - VIRB EDIT - API ISSUES

Hello all,

Today i had a issue when i tried to gauge my GPX metrix on video. When i choose the file and the app dont show the map on left panel, open a window saying that happens an error on script page.

Line: 0

Car: 0

Error: Script Error

Code: 0


Want execute theses script in that page? Yes  or No?

img link:

after i click on yes, shows another message:

You are using an incompatible browser with API maps JavaScript. Try to use another browser.

Know more > link:


link img:

Last week i gauge another video with gmetrix without issues. This thing happens w someone?

  • I still prefer Dashware, faster to sync, faster to export, more options with gauges. In fact, no limits to your creativity. What we could agree is that there is no need to pay for this service. Sorry for the Telemetry Overlay shareholder who tried us to overpay for that, nice try!

  • There's options for all tastes, skill levels, and budgets. No need for resentment 

  • Ya, I support both Virb Edit and Dashware.

    Virb Edit no longer gets updates because Garmin doesn't really make cameras so they don't have the incentive to pay to support it.  Still great software.

    Dashware does cost money, but, is supported by a developer that isn't making cameras, hence the cost. They are also adding additional features.

    The more options, the better.

  • Dashware was abandoned about 7 years ago when GoPro acquired it and made it free. I think you meant Telemetry Overlay

  • Telemetry Overlay is not worth its cost. We still can use both Garmin Virb and Dashware for free. Stop trying us to buy your software, this is not the right place to put your ads

  • So the band-aid sudo-solution for me as of Oct 13, 2023 (since the prior workaround doesn't seem to work anymore):

    1. Import the continuous gopro video segments.
    2. Add same fit data to each video segment along with your gauge template. Click yes to all script error prompts.
    3. Use g-matrix for 1st video segment. In the g-matrix adjustment screen, do not change the left side gopro video starting point (leave it as is which is at the beginning of the video segment). Only adjust the right side fit data slider to match the beginning of the video. This will set the *baseline additive amount of time value* for all of the subsequent video segments, so you'll want to verify and make sure it matches as close as possible. (Mine turned out to be 1:27 [1 min 27 sec] for the 1st segment.)
    4. SUBTRACT 10 seconds from your *baseline additive amount of time value*. (So from my example, I take 1:27 and subtract 10 seconds, and value becomes 1:17)
    5. Next, you'll see that each subsequent gopro video segment has a starting time in VIRB timeline. Mine was showing 11:47, 23:35, 35:23, 47:10, etc.
    6. For each of these subsequent gopro video segments, edit g-matrix, add the value from step 4 (1:17) to each of the starting time and adjust only the right side fit data slider. (So my 2nd video segment would be adjusted to 13:04) [to be clear: 11:47 + 1:17 = 13:04]. My 3rd video segment would be adjusted to 24:02 [23:35 + 1:17 = 24:52], etc.
    7. As you perform step 6, you might find that you can't adjust the slide to exact calculated value, since you can't use the arrows and have to rely on the slider. In this case, do your best to adjust to the closest number you can set to the calculated value (best fit seems to be just a little higher than the calculated value).

    Good luck.

  • Is there a way to remove previous Gmetrix imports?
  • Thanks a lot.

    If the video is not recorded all at once, but in several clips, when you find out the amount of time that needs to be modified in the first one, that same amount is valid for all the clips.