Calibrating OBD2 Throttle Minimum/Maximum values?

Hi there,

using a VIRB Ultra 30 (FW v4.80) w/ OBDLink LX. VIRB Edit is v5.4.3. My previous search for "virb throttle" did not reveal anything.

If I lift the foot completely from the gas pedal, the G-Metrix throttle value displayed is ~18%. In turn, full throttle is ~65%. How can I calibrate these values to be shown correctly in the video overlay?


  • I have this same issue but not as badly.  Mine goes from 0 to 80%.  I suspect it has more to do with the OBD data itself than the VIRB software but you're right in that I'm sure it's a common enough issue that there should be a calibration or adjustment in the software to account for it.

    I looked into editing the data files to adjust the numbers myself but it got too complicated.