I've a Garmin Virb XE connected (successfully) to a ELM-327 OBD-II bluetooth device, the same ELM-327 works with other applications to access engine data all OK, however I cannot figure out how to display the OBD data with my Virb XE videos.
Once I've Imported a new Virb XE video into Virb Edit how do I access the OBD data? Where is it located and/or how do I display it as an overlay on my video?
I also have a problem with units of Speed, I have set the Virb XE System->Units to Metric but the speed in the videos always displays as MPH and not KPH, how can I set this correctly?
Did you select the G-Metrix Tab? Then you can see all available Data, onclick it and select the matching gauges. This is more easy, then starting with the gauges, which may have no data.
Or take an Automobile Overlay with some stock fields. If both doesn´t show any data, I expect the ELM327 Adapter not transferring the right data to the XE. Mostly this is caused by the VIRB not checking different protocols, like smartphone apps do. You can read tons about it here.