How To...

Former Member
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Thread intended to be a "living" manual containing solutions.

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  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 11 years ago
    Introduction video:
    When you first start VIRB Edit there is an introduction video.
    When you've imported some clips, the video can not be accessed.
    Although it's due for an update the basic things are shown.
    So it can be usefull to have another look at it.
    FALAGAR thanks for the link.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 10 years ago
    Getting started IN VIRB Edit 2.6.2

    This video is just to help, it's NOT to show THE way things SHOULD be done, just A way things CAN be done.
    The video does not cover all features of VIRB Edit
    Things like adding gps data to a clip without gps data (Standard VIRB, RoadHawk Ride, GoPro) work still like in earlier versions.
    If you have additional "How To" video's or want to show another way to do things, feel free to help others and make a post and place the video.
    (On YouTube:

    This video is also available in Dutch / De video is er ook in het Nederlands.

    EDIT2: Tip for moving gauges around when editing overlays.
    You can move a selected gauge by dragging it with your mouse but there is another way.
    Select the gauge on your overlay (it changes color), than use the arrow keys of your keyboard to move them around.
    When the gauge is in position click next to it to de-select it.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 10 years ago
    Importing Manually, Converting to MP4, Adding GPS data, Syncing data.

    This video is just to help, it's NOT to show THE way things SHOULD be done, just A way things CAN be done.

    Supplementary video for VIRB Edit 2.6.2
    This video includes:
    - Manually importing clips.
    - Converting clips to .MP4 that VIRB Edit will import.
    - Adding GPS data to a clip.
    - Synchonizing video and GPS data.
    (On YouTube:

    This video is also available in Dutch / De video is er ook in het Nederlands.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 10 years ago
    Tricking the 3.5GB limit.

    When using Win7, VIRB Edit 2.6.2 will only let you export files smaller than 3.5GB.
    If you want a long video you need to split it in several parts.
    After export you need to stitch them in another program.
    If you want the track of the whole trip appearing in all of the parts you need to do some tricks.
    (also applies to other gauges that need continues GPS data from start to finish)
    To do this you need to manipulate VIRB Edits database, it's in a hidden file.
    Be carefull, make an extra copy of your database, you could loose all your GPX and FIT files.
    (On YouTube:

    This video is also available in Dutch / De video is er ook in het Nederlands.

    The first second is there to preserve the start in all the movie-parts.

    The last second is there to preserve the finish in all the movie-parts.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 10 years ago
    Trick to remove the battery of your VIRB

    Remove the lid from the battery compartment.
    Insert it with side of the locking pin between de battery and the rim.
    Use the lid to lever the battery out.
    (Thanks KITER13 for the tip)

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 10 years ago
    Updating your VIRB from within VIRB Edit (2.6.2)

    This video shows how updating works when VIRB Edit an update for the VIRB finds.

    This video is also available in Dutch / De video is er ook in het Nederlands.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 10 years ago
    Updating your VIRB using Garmin Express

    In this video a VIRB Elite is updated to Firmware 3.90 using Garmin Express.
    My Garmin Express is a Dutch version, butting will have different names but still are at the same place.
    In the end I have used an old picture displaying firmware 3.80.

    This video is also available in Dutch / De video is er ook in het Nederlands.
  • Move clips to new computer

    Hi there.

    Just gave up on a slow machine in the middle of a fairly lagre editing project.
    Bought a new machine with a lager engine;)

    Now my issue is how do i transfer my halfway done film to the new computer?
    Have tried exporting it. With the message over 4 gb :(

    Have tried finding the files in Virb film folder. Copying them to the new computer. And importing them.
    This leaves me with files to start all over again. And no GPX data :(

    Is there a way to fix it so I can import my halfway done video "and data"?

  • Perhaps you can try putting the hard drive from your old computer into the new computer (remove the new hard drive from the new computer)? Windows will probably complain (a lot!) about finding new devices, and not having software / drivers for them - but perhaps this might be easier (and quicker, with less problems) than trying to guess which Virb Edit data to copy (and from where) from the old computer to the new (and run the risk of messing things up on both of them). I'm assuming you have only 1 hard drive, with your OS, applications and data on it?

    The guys at Garmin have completely ignored the possibility not only of situations like yours, where a user migrates to a new computer, but also those users who might be running out of hard drive space and want to archive old footage (and data, of course!) to another location (eg external hard drive), or who might use 2 computers (eg one at home, and one at work) to download and process videos and who might want to transfer data between them. I doubt they even know themselves how to solve these problems..... :(
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 9 years ago
    In Win7 the VIRB Edit the database can be found here:
    C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Garmin\VIRB Edit
    It is a hidden directory.
    Try to fine the place of the database on the new machine and copy the old database here (the existing data on the new machine will be lost).
    You have already copied your video files, to the new machine, be sure they are exactly in the same location as on the old machine.
    The database contains the path to the video's. Manually adjusting the path in the database can be done but it is A LOT of work.