It's become a major problem: that I shoot a video, sync the beginning of it, and 30 minutes later, the video is off-sync by TEN FREAKING SECONDS!!! What the hell is causing this and why on earth haven't they fixed this? It's been like this for years and the only fix for it is to cut my video into dozens of little clips and try to find a way to sync every single one of them. It adds hours to my editing cycle. If I want an un-cut 30 minute video - like when I'm trying to show that I had a record-smashing epic performance - I simply can't prove it. WTF?
While we're on the topic - why the hell do I have to manually sync my video? The camera should be reporting frame IDs to the telemetry tracking, which could record the latest frame ID with each recorded telemetry datapoint. The editing software could then - automatically (wow! computers can do things automatically) - ensure that every frame of video had EXACTLY THE CORRECT TELEMETRY DATA DISPLAYED! WHAT A MIND-BLOWING CONCEPT!
Years, guys. Get with the program. While we're at it, how about you fix the issue with the google API?