Google Maps error for G-Metrix sync

I'm getting a Google Maps error when trying to import a G-Metrix log (gpx file). I see the map for a fraction of a second and then it shows the following message (see attached image). Has this happened to anyone else and have you been able to resolve the issue?
  • There are alternatives if this does not get fixed. Dashware seems the most obvious.
  • Unfortunately, things like Bing, Google Maps and Google Earth are not free to use for large corporations: we pay for google maps page loads. So that has to be balanced with user experience when we decide what technologies are available. We used to support switching to Bing maps, but stopped for business reasons. We've identified the issue with our current use of Google Maps and it is also business related rather than technical. The good news is, the business folks should be able to get this fixed without us needing to release a new version of VirbEdit. One day we'll all wake up and it will just start working again.
  • I'm sorry but that sounds a little flippant!! For me and many other users of Virbedit the primary functionality required is the ability to synchronise GPS data with a video clip....and to do that you need to be able to see the track on a map. For the many people waiting to complete a video project a forecast of "one day it will just start working" is of no help. Personally I am not going to keep loading the software on the basis it may work. I need a realistic projection of timescales for a fix and a known method of being informed...…….a flag on load up of the software and/or notification here. From what you have said above it appears the API key exists within the software but the bill has not been paid and/or agreed to enable it to be registered. This situation does little for the reputation or commercial interests of Garmin given there are a number of alternative methods to overlay GPS from any source onto any video clip.
  • +1 on what surfer said. You've torpedoed your USP, and the only real reason to buy garmin over gopro.
    I just bought a virb on the basis of g-metrix (and having several other garmin devices). Currently seems I can't do anything with GPS data other than derived stuff like speed. Kinda suggest it needs fixing post-haste, whether through google, allowing access to other mechanisms - if it's 'someday', then it's gonna get returned and swapped.
    I also fail to understand why google is required to process *anything* with gps data - a map, sure ok, but plotting a breadcrumb trail, laps etc., why?!
  • For those of you waiting to finish a project I just downloaded Dashware...its free, easy and it works.
  • For those of you waiting to finish a project I just downloaded Dashware...its free, easy and it works.

    I couldn't get Dashware to incorporate a FIT file. It seemed to be a known bug. Did you get that to work?
  • I couldn't get Dashware to incorporate a FIT file. It seemed to be a known bug. Did you get that to work?

    I had the same issue with Dashware. TCX file was the solution.

  • I uploaded a .gpx file which it auto converts to .csv. It will not accept gps files in binary format ( e.g. FIT). Suggest you use a facility to convert your FIT file to .csv.....e.g.
  • Well at least I am not alone. Tried virbedit with fit files from my edge 1000 and vector 3's and sure enough, Map error referring to java script. I assume this is the old Google licence issue raising it's head. When I bough the Tacx trainer 4 software I came across this and had to buy an annual google licence for the mapping to work. Why don't Garmin follow this lead and then we can all start using it and stop being frustrated..!!!
  • I uploaded a .gpx file which it auto converts to .csv. It will not accept gps files in binary format ( e.g. FIT). Suggest you use a facility to convert your FIT file to .csv.....e.g.

    Hmm.. does this mean that it only takes 'standard' gps data - i.e. won't display the acceleration and suchlike, or does it cover the whole gamut of info that the ultra 30 can / does record?