Cannot add & cut Videos

As always in the past, I´d like to combine some footage from my XE´s and from my phone.
Imported the Virb recordings and added them to a new video.
Then added the 4k and timelapse recordings from my HTC to the library and dragged them to the timeline.
The line on the timeline dissappeard and the recordings does not seem to be added correctly. So I left the editing and re-entered the video.
Now all the Virb recordings dissappeared from the timeline.
I still cannot use the mouse to jump to a specific part. But I can push "play" and cut the clips.
Readding the Virb footage is not possible. I can drag the videos, but they will not be dropped into the timeline.

I did the same a dozend times before. Also with exact the same footage. The only difference might be, that my Gimbal manufacturer updated his app to make moving timelaps.
  • It was possible to recreate this habit.
    After adding a timelapse video from my phone, VE is not usable anymore. The preview does not change, the indicator on the timeline does not move, play does nothing.
    With some luck, you can onclick the clip to remove it (Or CTL-Z). Then leave the edit-mode and reenter it again. Then it starts working again (without this clip).

    I already used timelapse recodings from my HTC, with a former version of Edit.

    @Garmin: If someone is still here and like to have my footage, please let me know :)
  • While I cannot promise that we will support the video recorded on your phone in VirbEdit, I would like a copy to at least ensure our app fails gracefully rather than completely locking up.
  • Hi Purdington, I guess I found something.
    The timelaps-software decreased the quality, since it worked in the past. The old recordings still work, the new ones (after an update, I guess) doesn´t.
    I´ll talk to the developer/manufacturer from my gimbal and see what they messed up.
    However, when I´m at home, I´ll upload a sample for you to test what happens.