Syncing data with clips is horrible

Unless I'm doing something massively wrong, aligning data with video is downright infuriating. I'm talking about getting it exactly right within half a second or so, which technically shouldn't be that hard.

What makes it worse is having to do it 4 or 5 times in the same edit because of the multiple clips that action cameras make.

There are multiple ways it could be fixed..

- Being able to manually type in the time code for alignment (and having a resolution of milliseconds) in the data sync screen.
- Have a separate data track on the timeline. Much like other video editors have separate audio tracks. This way you could drag the data file onto the timeline only once and be done with it.
- Have the software look at the length of the existing clip on the timeline and automatically adjust the data on the next clip.

I don't see why Virb Edit has to do things so differently to other video editing software.