Clips time & date stamp, damp audio

At the moment I have three problems with VIRB edit. I'm using the VIRB 360:
1. My first project hat 40 clips I made on a bike ride and drone flight. Unfortunately the date and time stamps is not used for the file name, as some other software solve this problem.
The time stamp on the SD-card is sorrect, after importing & stiching thru VIRB edit it has instead the date and time stamp of time importing.
The correct order can only be thru the numbering of the clips, but VIR edit doesn't sort according to name, instead the fiels are completely mixed up and not sorted at all!!!

Even sorting is diffecutl
In the library you can see the names only if you don't use an too long prefix (a solution is hovering the cursor over it to see full name).
In the timeline there is no way to check the file name of clips, in the library you see on!!

Please fix this thru new firmware (naming of files) and an update of VIRB Edit.

2. I have a very noisy video thru sound of E-Bike and drone. Can I damp the audio in the video or delete the audio completely.
The audio damping shouldn't be for master audio, because I want to add music, this should be heard of course.

3. The preview for the 5.7MP film in the timeline was so choppy, I wasn't able to trim my clips. Any recommendation for preview setting?

Thanks for any help, but the No.1 problems need to be soved thru Garmin,
  • I´ve complained about #1 several times here. It is pain in the a** to select the right clip.
    Even if I know how the clip is named, I cannot find or search for it. This is a guess, followed by a right click to see the properties, to find out it is the wrong clip and the guessing goes on...

    But I dont expect anything to be done with it, due to this is a very long known thing :(
  • Black-rat, when adding music on my ultra 30 videos, I click on each clip in my timeline and turn the volume to 0% under Edit->Audio. This only mutes the recorded audio and not the music that is added. Not sure if that is any different for 360 or not.