Video CROP

Dear Garmin,

can you please add video crop to the verb edit. It's one of the basic video tools. Suppose one want to capture in 4K and then zoom in during editing (instead of setting this during capturing). Lack of this BASCI functionality is one of the main reasons I have to use other external video editors. The same concerns also mobile Virb Edit app.

  • Hi Alex,

    I have to use other external video editors.

    that is what Garmin wants you to do. They doesn´t have the requirement to create a great cutting-software. They want to make Gauges possible and add basic functionality. They know that they cannot compete with professional cutting software and it is not Garmins main focus.
    I´d also love to see some easy functions, but dont expect them to be integrated. From what I read between the lines, the developers also would like to put more afford into some wished functions. But they have to stay to their agenda.

    Currently I´m fine using several different programs. But the most annoying part is, that the G-Metrix are not kept, if you cut the clips.
    To use a 3second scene, where I drove over the finish line, I have to render the whole 30minutes clip, to get the laptime and overall laps. It would be much better to be asked, to also cut the G-Metrix... Then it would be usable with 3rd party software.
  • Agree that there are many things would be nice to have. In mean time, you can export the png overlays, which is just pictures of the gauges, and then just use the last 3 seconds and overlay them back over your finished video. You would have to export them from virb edit at the resolution you are cropping to. Although this does require you to export the entire video first.