Setting activity start time on trimmed video

I’m having problems with a trimmed video.
This is for a race with laps so I set the activity start time to the 1st time I cross the start/finish line - so far so good.

But it when I use a lap count in the overlay it’s seeing that activity start as end of lap 1 / start of lap 2.
I think this is because the G-Metrix data that was trimmed out of the video is still being counted as that trimmed data does contain the warm up lap and therefore the start/finish line gps point.

Any ideas on how to zero the lap counter with the activity start point?

  • I'm having this same issue.  It seems to me that the option to set the start time doesn't seem to do anything at all. The only way I can get the start/finish line in the right place is to cut the video to start at exactly that point on the track and it then immediately goes to Lap 2 with lap 1 being whatever amount of time was trimmed off the beginning of the video.

    Am I supposed to somehow start the camera recording at exactly the moment I drive over the start/finish line for the first hot lap??