I really like my 360 camera but the stitching process really needs to be sorted out.
I have about 3 minutes of a clip that I want stitched but I have to stitch the whole 1 hour clip. This is projected to take 6 hours on my computer (pretty new and powerful, see the end of this post). I leave it overnight only to find a message saying that stitching has failed.
This was 5K stitching at max quality.
Another big problem is that you HAVE to do this from the card. If I wanted to go out for another ride and record it but wanted to stitch some stuff first I can't just copy the files to the PC to stitch later. I have to stitch them before I can re-use the card.
Things that need to change:
Allow stitching of a selected section of video
Allow stitching after copying files off SD card
Utilise GPU to stitch
My computer is:
Windows 10
Intel Core i7-7700K CPU @ 4.2GHz
32GB memory