Am I missing something or is sorting a mess in VIRB Edit?

Am I missing something or is sorting a mess in VIRB Edit?

I primary use my VIRB 360 to record my hikes. Over a 10 mile hike I may record 50+ small videos of interesting spots. When I import i always prefix with the trail name. After the import all my files are TrailName_Vxxxxxxx_Stitched.mp4, where Vxxxxxxx_ appears to be sequential . When I create a new video and look at the Medial Library I only have options for Day or Month. In either case it doesn't sort by time or by the sequential numbering after my prefix. To further complicate it it doesn't display the full file name just the first 14 or so characters, which for me is generally something like this "HortonCreek_V...". This makes it incredibly difficult to add the videos in the order they were recorded to piece together a collage video of the hike.

How are others dealing with large number of files per event?
  • For my biking videos I am using ultra 30 as front cam and virb elite as rear cam. When importing I label the files with the date and whether it is front or rear cam (i.e. 20180220_F) and virb edit adds the standard sequential number. I have to make sure to import the rear cam first though. This is so the front camera files will show up under "last imported" in the gallery. If you import all your source files at the same time, they should all be alone in the "last imported" section. It would be nice to chose by date though.

  • My last Import was a single test video, so I can't check but does the last import sort by time or sequential number, my gut tells me its the same kind of sorting seen in the rest of the app. Even if it does sort by time and/or sequence it is a huge deficiency to not be able to sort by time and sequence in the rest of the app. I rarely work on the last thing I imported as it stands I am several hikes behind because I get a headache trying to figure out the order of the clips.

    Is anyone else using alternative editing software, if so which ones?
  • +1 It is a pain to find a specific video. The mousover does not show the whole filename and you need to rightclick onto the details for each file to find the right number.
    Mentioned that myself earlier. But it is so long ago, I didn´t found it any more :rolleyes:
  • My last Import was a single test video, so I can't check but does the last import sort by time or sequential number, my gut tells me its the same kind of sorting seen in the rest of the app. Even if it does sort by time and/or sequence it is a huge deficiency to not be able to sort by time and sequence in the rest of the app. I rarely work on the last thing I imported as it stands I am several hikes behind because I get a headache trying to figure out the order of the clips.

    Is anyone else using alternative editing software, if so which ones?

    For me the "last import" section does have them in the correct order. Not sure if it's ordering by sequence # or by date/time, but either way it does put them in the correct order. I do understand your pain though. If I didn't create the video each time I imported, I would probably go crazy trying to find the clips. This is why I make sure I process each video as they come in. Thank goodness the multi-window support automatically finds the correct rear cam videos or it would be crazy trying to find those clips.