Virb edit export issue

So I've been experiencing some issues with the export quality since 5.1 release. Right now when you change the target quality it is making no difference besides making the quality worse not matter which setting you pick. If I take the same source file and export it in virb edit 4.2.3 changing the target quality makes a big difference in video quality. I have brought this up to garmin and this is the response I get...

"We have looked into the question about bit rate on exported videos. There are a ton of factors in the video itself, that impact the exported bit rate that changing this setting does not change. The content itself, file compression, richness of color are just a few possible things. So it can be normal for videos to see little difference when changing this setting depending greatly on the content, and less on the setting itself."

This is even after telling them that I export the same source file in 4.2.3 and the quality is perfect.

Is anyone else having the this issue?