Travelapse Videos Bug on sync with G-metrics/GPS data


Just got my new Ultra 30 and have started playing with the Travelapse feature.

So I did a 33min / 26.8 Km long drive with the Video in Travleapse mode 0.05km interval between captures.

Imported everything in to the latest Virb Edit and the video is nice but the overlays are not matching the actual picture.

When you go to select the log on Import G-metrics it shows the total path I did in dark black and everything looks ok, there is even a litle start telling you that this is the correct log and everything but on the video preview ALL the overlays show data that does not correspond to what your seeing.

From what I can understand VIRB edit is only displaying the first minute or so of the Data on the Gauges while the action takes place over 33min.

Am I doing something wrong or this is a real bug?!?

There are at least 2 videos on youtube showing this. But I think they did not noticed it. (look at the time stamp it starts at 6:10 and ends 6:11 during good know how many km!) (look a the GPS track guage, he does a billion turns on the video but the GPS only shows 2)