Virb XE vertical speed and language settings

Hi everyone,

I tried out the VIRB XE last weekend during my skydive jumps. Here is a little video I made on Virb Edit:

As you can see the speed is way off. What I'm probably getting is my ground speed, which is cool, but I'd prefer to see my vertical speed as well. At the beginning of the video I'm practically going head down so that's at least more than 280km/h. So my question is how can I display my vertical speed?

When I'm editing my video the pitch, roll and G-force stats are way slower than when I export it. In my YouTube video it goes so fast you can barely read it. What's up with that?

And last but not least the language! My windows 7 is a Dutch version but I prefer to see everything in English. I did find a way to change most of it back in English from an old post here on this forum by one of your admins who said:

"Currently we do not plan to add UI for language selection, but that might change. You can manually change it by editing the config file. It's in C:\Users\{USERNAME}\AppData\Local\Garmin\VirbEdit.exe_Url_{SOMELETTERSANDNUMBERS}\\user.confi g.

Add the following:

<setting name="UserLanguage" serializeAs="String"><value>en</value></setting> after the <Virb.Properties.Settings> tag."

Which works ok but when I export my video all my gauges change back to Dutch. That's so annoying and I've been trying to fix it for hours but no luck.

I really love my VIRB XE but this software is killing me slowly. :'(
  • Jimmy,

    thanks for sharing your experience. And I apologize that not everything is as you expect.

    Yes, currently speed is "2D speed" (just latitude/longitude) indeed. We are working on allowing users to pick which speed to display (allow "3D speed" which includes altitude).

    Pitch, roll and G-Force display (and measurement) is also something we'd like to improve.

    We should be able to fix the language setting issue for the next release.
  • Pitch &amp; Roll

    Hi all

    I am considering the Virb X/XE to analyse performance data of vessels
    My interest is mainly at speed, pitch and roll angles
    I have read in other forum that GPS sampling rate is 1Hz (is it actually 1 Hz or some dampening is applied?)
    what about other sensors?
    which resolution are pitch and roll measured? how many decimals?

    Also, can I export a simple text file with the data measured by sensors to be opened in excel for instance?


    p.s. Not sure to have posted on the right thread but look like pitch and roll enquiries are scattered..
  • GPS sampling rate is 1Hz. Accelerometer and gyroscope data are collected at much higher frequencies (100 Hz, and only while you're actually recording video).

    We then post-process the raw data and calculate pitch and roll. There are some improvements coming to this algorithm in 3.4.

    Unfortunately I don't think there's a way to export this data currently.

    You can however export the raw FIT data to a CSV file. Check out, download the FIT SDK and there's a FITtoCSV tool you could use. The raw data might not be what you are looking for, but maybe it will help you out.
  • sample file

    thanks for your quick reply,

    what is decimal accuracy of angular measurements then?
    In most of heel and pitch screenshot I've seen readings have maximum 1 decimal like 2° or 2,1°
    can I edit this?

    Also, is there some way to download a short sample movie + virb data file to test this in Virb-edit?

    Finally, about FIT to CSV file
    I probably have seen something already on some other forum:
    from what I remember raw .FIT data miss calibrations and other post-processing so they are accurate values.. is this right?

    Thanks again
  • We could probably show more decimals, but didn't see the value as the data is quite noisy as it is.

    Currently you cannot edit the decimal accuracy. But I doubt more digits would give you much, it would just be noise. (I might be wrong about this, if I am, we can fix it.)

    You can buy a camera and record stuff to get sample data. :)

    Yes, some of the data in FIT is un-calibrated and/or un-processed, gyro and accel data among them.
  • heel &amp; pitch can be shown on sensor data screens?

    Hi got finally a VIRB XE and looks really like a great camera!
    she is exactly what I was searching for..
    I would like only as told already having the option to export performance data (speed, course, heel& pitch..) as processed data.. maybe in the future?

    I got a question now:
    as I am mainly interested in heel & pitch,
    is there a way to:
    put them to zero, once I have setup my camera
    show actual pitch and roll measured by camera so that I can place it level?
    If I go to sensor screen g force is shown only, is there any way to scroll to other sensors?

    Many thanks

    you can see a sample of my records here
  • Acceleration and Gyro data decimal precision

    We could probably show more decimals, but didn't see the value as the data is quite noisy as it is.

    Currently you cannot edit the decimal accuracy. But I doubt more digits would give you much, it would just be noise. (I might be wrong about this, if I am, we can fix it.)

    You can buy a camera and record stuff to get sample data. :)

    Yes, some of the data in FIT is un-calibrated and/or un-processed, gyro and accel data among them.


    I would like to make a case for at least two decimal places. I use the acceleration data from my Virb Elite to measure automotive cornering and straight line performance. For a vehicle with street tires the maximum accelerations are only about 1 G. With only one decimal of precision and a value of say 0.5 G one can't tell if the value might be closer to 0.45 G or maybe 0.55G. That is a pretty big uncertainty. An additional decimal place would hopefully not be too noisy to allow this distinction. You indicate that this could be "fixed". I know, however, that the GPX file created by my camera only provides acceleration data to one decimal place so the fix would have to be in the camera firmware rather than Virb Edit. I know I can get two decimal places displayed in my videos but currently these would only be interpolated from the single decimal data values, which would be of no benefit.

    Also, you state that the FIT file contains uncalibrated gyro and accel data. I have looked at CSV versions of the FIT files created by my Virb Elite (which has acceleration sensors but does not have a gyro) and I don't find any acceleration data in them. I extract this data from the GPX file. Do only the newer cameras include this data in the FIT file or is there some trick to extracting it? I hope to soon have a newer camera that will include the gyro data. Will this data appear in both the FIT and GPX files?

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 7 years ago
    I want to know, how to show data G Force on microsoft excel for VIRB XE?, because i have VIRB ELITE its easy to show data G Force on microsoft excel, but when i'm using VIRB XE i didnt find G Force data on Ms Excel

    Best Rgds