Hi everyone,
I tried out the VIRB XE last weekend during my skydive jumps. Here is a little video I made on Virb Edit: https://youtu.be/WezQXN8SsfU
As you can see the speed is way off. What I'm probably getting is my ground speed, which is cool, but I'd prefer to see my vertical speed as well. At the beginning of the video I'm practically going head down so that's at least more than 280km/h. So my question is how can I display my vertical speed?
When I'm editing my video the pitch, roll and G-force stats are way slower than when I export it. In my YouTube video it goes so fast you can barely read it. What's up with that?
And last but not least the language! My windows 7 is a Dutch version but I prefer to see everything in English. I did find a way to change most of it back in English from an old post here on this forum by one of your admins who said:
"Currently we do not plan to add UI for language selection, but that might change. You can manually change it by editing the config file. It's in C:\Users\{USERNAME}\AppData\Local\Garmin\VirbEdit.exe_Url_{SOMELETTERSANDNUMBERS}\\user.confi g.
Add the following:
<setting name="UserLanguage" serializeAs="String"><value>en</value></setting> after the <Virb.Properties.Settings> tag."
Which works ok but when I export my video all my gauges change back to Dutch. That's so annoying and I've been trying to fix it for hours but no luck.
I really love my VIRB XE but this software is killing me slowly. :'(