video clips lossing all gsp data

When I import my videos into the Virb library by default all is good. If I delete a clip from the library but not from my computer and then try to import it again from the video location it was saved in, it no longer contains gps data.... why?
  • Because they are separate files, and if you import the video file from a location on the computer, it's not got a connection to the gpx or FIT file. But you can restore that connection once again in Virb Edit in the Edit Video window.
  • Correction, I'm not blind! Here is what's happening in detail.
    I recorded a 2 minute video with my VIRB Elite. I connect the VIRB to my PC and launch VIRB Edit. I import the video to the default library location. VIRB Edit shows me the video clip with the "tear drop" in the upper right hand corner. If I navigate to the default directory, I see the virb0001.mp4 video clip file only, no .gpx or .fit file, yet the gps info is in the clip. Now I delete the clip from the library and not the file from the default location, thus keeping the virb0001.mp4 file. Now if I import other using VIRB Edit and navigate to the default location and choose the virb0001.mp4 file, it shows up in the clip library but without the "tear drop" If I select the clip and view properties, it contains no gps info. and there is no .gpx or .fit file in the default directory to restore it.

    All of my already edited video clip that have been saved show both the .mp4 and .gpx files, why is the original import from my VIRB Elite only showing one file, mp4 that has gps info embedded in it unless I delete the clip from library only?
  • The information relevant to the video clip and gps track (they are separate files, stored in different locations) is stored in a database. If you remove the original file, you've lost that database connection in Virb Edit.
  • In other words: when you import the original video clip from the Elite, you are bringing in the video clip into one location, and the track into a different location, and Virb Edit's database knows where both of those files are. If you delete that video clip file in Virb Edit, you are also discarding the connection between the track and the clip. Simple as that.
  • does the gps tracks in the database get deleted when the clip is deleted or is it still stored in virb edit?
    I ask because I backed up all the clips in the default directory as a hard disk format was required and when I copied back the clips they no longer had the link. Could I have backed up the gps tracks from the database and if so, where is it.
  • When you create a video from a clip and export/save it to a directory it creates two files, .mp4 and .gpx
    Would it not make more sense for VIRB edit to act the same upon the original import from camera?
    What an oversight!
  • It does have two files associated with your video on import; it just doesn't make it obvious where the track is imported to. It's easy enough to find out, though. But I haven't concerned myself with its location. I just try not to delete files I know I might need.

    I don't know if deleting the video deletes the track. Someone else might know.

    And backing up the videos folder does nothing for the tracks.
  • Thanks GEOMONSTER, I'll try Falagar, he should know. Maybe some thought about backing up the 2 files would be a good idea as it sucks loosing those memories.
  • Tell me about it. I'm still angry about corrupting all the tracks on my Newfoundland vacation last year because taking pictures while recording video damages the track. And Garmin shows no sign of fixing that huge problem. I have not been taking any pictures while recording video so my recent tracks are ok but I'm still annoyed.