3D Movies?

as the Virbs can be connected to start filming simultaneously, the next step is to have a parallel mount for 3D filming with two Virbs!
are there any plans on such a mount and 3D export in Virb Edit?

if not, then please Garmin, put this on the todo list!
this would be awesome!
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 10 years ago
    I've also asked about this for Powerdirector pro.
    It seems that the biggest problem is the synchonisity of the camera's.
    One might record things a bit faster than the other (I thought 30fps would be 30fps but the clocks may not run equal)
    Maybe the Elite's clocks are synced to the satelites.
    After recording putting together a 3D movie would involve shrinking the aspect of the video's from 16:9 to 8:9 to make a Side By Side 3D video.
    This can be done in Powerdirector Pro 11.0 using masks and other things.
    Unfortunately there is no setting to reduce the width of the video by half so that's a bit fiddely.
    Maybe 12.0 has a setting for this.
    If VIRB Edit will get these features ?
    I hope so, but I thing there are higher prioities at the moment.
  • thanks for the info!
    I once had a Fujifilm 3D cam with two lenses. it recorded two video tracks into the same video container (avi or mkv) so it didn't need to convert to 8:9 for a side by side.
    the movie could be played on youtube and on a Sony 3D TV. and as a plus, normal video players still can play it (ok, a side by side can also be played, but it's horrible to look at).

    so this will be the way to go for me, as soon as I get a hand on a second Virb.
  • I'm using Apple Final Cut Pro 10 and there is a nice feature: synchronize clips. this will synchronize the videos by the audio stream. so when filming with two cams, just clap your hand or make any other recognizable sound and it's easy to have both clips in sync.
    for a side-by-side video I can manually move one video to the left and one to the right (either full size or 8:9)
    basic 3D video finished :)

    but in FCP there is currently no way to add two video tracks in the output video, so I'm stuck to side-by-side.
  • I have shoot 3D clip by 2 Virb

    I try to use 2 Virb (Elite & Basic) shoot 2 clip and then sync them by Final Cut Pro X. Trim and export as 2 video clip left one and right one. Then I use GoPro Studio to manual import 3D clip. With GoPro Studio you can export many 3D format e.g. Anaglyph and SBS

    Here is example of my clip.

    3D Anaglyph
  • The list of 3D feature films is updated to the latest list in 2021.