VIRB ... The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

Once again - I am posting here because there is not a dedicated device section in the Forums for the VIRB.


Version 2.80 has now been released and things are looking much better!!!!

The Good ... The VIRB Edit software and awesome overlays, Great Camera Hardware, Battery Life, Screen, Ease of use/menus and when it works far better than my GoPro 3.

The following moved to the good list as initial testing suggest they are FIXED in 2.80 (After hard reset and using default 1080p settings) :D:

( 1) VIRB Elite Camera Regularly Crashes and Freezes - Software Version 2.60 : TRAP: 0x6E5D8031 MIPS32 exception - FIXED
( 2) Some video recordings don't have a GPX track - maybe related to above - FIXED
( 3) Edge 510 Remote (Edge software update 2.8) - stops working intermittently - a camera restart is required to resolve - FIXED
( 5) VIRB Edit - Import of Elite Video and GPX's sometimes are not in sync - manual GPS alignment is needed to resolve - FIXED
( 7) Garmin WebUpdater Crashes using VIRB to check for latest software - FIXED

The Bad ....

( 4) No iOS / iPhone App as yet and no estimate of arrival date
(10) Problems pairing GSC-10 Speed / Cadence Sensor

And the maybe ugly?? (GPS Sensitivity) ...

A cycle today on a small section I noticed the speed overlay erratically jumping up and down and the GPS track looked very wobbly, so replaced GPS data with the FIT file from my Garmin Edge 510, which was perfect, speed correct and GPS track smooth and correct. So both devices next to each other in same environment on same day and the VIRB camera GPS plot is erratic. Compare and Constast the VIRB and Edge tracks below over a small section.

Garmin Edge 510 FIT (Software Version 2.80)

VIRB Elite GPX (Software Version 2.60)
  • 510 will always have quicker lock as it also uses Glonass. (locks faster than any other Edge out there)

    Directly comparing my Edge 510 (Software 2.8) and VIRB Elite (Software 2.6), it appears that the Edge is far better at getting a GPS fix. Indoors in a front room of my house (near a window) the Edge has GPS Fix Acquired within a few seconds. The VIRB is still flashing away trying to get a GPS lock. When it finally gets a lock it is only briefly and then reports Lost Satellites. All the time the Edge has a rock steady lock.

    Maybe this explains why I am occasionally getting poor and sporadic GPS data on the VIRB.

    Does anybody know if the GPS chipset in the VIRB is as good as the Edge 510 - or is this another software issue on the VIRB?

  • GSC-10 Speed / Cadence pairing issue.

    Added the GSC-10 Speed / Cadence pairing issue.
  • I agree that 510 is better than older EDGE's but I would have hoped the VIRB Elite would have had an equivalently (or better) spec for its GPS sensor ... from the Garmin site:

    It would be marvellous if someone from Garmin could comment ... if they could at all possibly take a few minutes of their time.

    Heh. Even the 810 doesn't have Glonass- though I've bugged them about it.
  • Somehow its reminds me that story with EDGE 810 & 510 which was full of bugs :(.

    To sad for Garmin especially if they want to compete with the leader GOPRO

    Well, I went through this with the Edge 705 and the Fenix. I got a 705 when it was first released. As I recall, I swiftly realized that I needed to carry my 60CSx every time I went out with the 705, to make sure I didn't lose a track for some reason or another. I got pretty good at patching and editing .tcx files. For the first month, I was afraid to touch the 705 after starting it, for fear that changing the screen or touching a button would cause a problem. (Last week when I took my VIRB out, I did the same thing. Didn't touch it after starting it for fear something would happen; I only touched it when the screen froze.) After about a month, the 705 became reliable enough to leave the 60CSx at home, but as I recall it was about 6 months before the last big problem (a barometric altimeter with no way to calibrate) was solved. For 3 1/2 years, the 705 was utterly reliable for its primarily function, with the only real problem being that it wasn't always capable of routing correctly. Finally the 705 got beat up enough that I replaced it with an 800, which, since I bought it well after it was introduced, has never caused me any problems.

    The problems with the Fenix were more mechanical. There were big "vapor behind the glass" threads all last winter, and my Fenix leaked water during the only swim I took with it and had to be replaced under warranty. I rely much less on the Fenix than on my Edge, though, so its problems aren't as serious for me. At this stage I'd say that the Fenix is reliable, and much improved over the early days, although I've never gone swimming with the replacement, and don't know if I'd dare now that it's out of warranty.

    So I suspect that in 6 months the VIRB Elite will be something that I just turn on and forget about. It'll link with whatever ANT+ sensors I'm using, will never lose any data, and will otherwise be completely reliable. I'm hoping that by the time the snow flies here it will at least be reliable for recording video without losing any.
  • Looks Pretty Good

    take a look a this youtube samples:

    Thanks for the post.
    The sharpness and frame rate in low light looks better on the VIRB but for absolute low light the H3-BE still looks slightly better.
  • 28248835

    510 will always have quicker lock as it also uses Glonass. (locks faster than any other Edge out there)

    I can confirm this, my 510 locks so quick it's embarassing to all other Garmin devices. :)
  • Had this error this morning when trying to record.
    It saved the first 22min clip fine. 2nd clip is 0kb, viewfinder was frozen.

    Error time is from when I rebooted it I think.

    2013-12-05 09:18:20
    VER: Software Version 2.80
    TRAP: 0x6E5D8031 MIPS32 exception. R0-R31 + badvaddr + status + cause + epc
    STATUS: 0x00408003
    EPC: 0x807DF030
    BADVADDR: 0x00000011
    CAUSE: 0x1000000C
    $0: 0x00000000
    $1: 0xA0100130
    $2: 0x00000000
    $3: 0x00000001
    $4: 0x81637D40
    $5: 0x83529C50
    $6: 0x83529C54
    $7: 0x0A800001
    $8: 0x0000001D
    $9: 0xFFFEFFFF
    $10: 0x00000100
    $11: 0x8151A230
    $12: 0x00000000
    $13: 0x000000AB
    $14: 0x00000097
    $15: 0x00000000
    $16: 0x81637D40
    $17: 0x7E9C835D
    $18: 0x81637D40
    $19: 0x8379D3BC
    $20: 0x0000009E
    $21: 0x0000009D
    $22: 0x8379D3BC
    $23: 0x00000030
    $24: 0x00080A6E
    $25: 0xFFFFFFFC
    $26: 0x00000003
    $27: 0x00000005
    $28: 0x80F3A1F0
    $29: 0x83529BA8
    $30: 0x835BA79C
    $31: 0x807DF48C

  • To make things worse... Fit file is empty. And GPX has not been saved.

    Out of the 4 tries I did with the VIRB 2 succeeded and 2 failed at the worst moment.
    I cannot trust this camera, I would have better burned my money, at least I would have gotten some warmth from it...
  • Please post any issues you have as new threads, taking care to note the firmware version on your device. Resurrecting threads about 8 month old firmware problems isn't particularly helpful.

    There have likely been firmware updates to fix the issues you're seeing, but if you can't even mount your device to your computer, please contact Garmin customer support for help.