VIRB Edit 3.4.0 is available

VIRB Edit 3.4.0 can be downloaded at, updating from inside the application will work as well.

  • Automatically filter out templates and gauges that don't match the current video's G-Metrix.
  • Added Circuit Shape gauge for laps.
  • Improved G-Force display, it's now much less noisy.
  • Improved pitch and roll calculation (better use of gyroscope data).
  • Improved grade calculation.
  • Fixed issue with title changes not being saved
  • Performance improvements

You can turn off the filtering of templates & gauges under Settings > G-Metrix. But it should be a lot easier know to pick relevant gauges because by default anything that you do not have data for is hidden.

We improved a bunch of G-Metrix calculations as well and added a Circuit Shape gauge which should come in handy for races with many laps. You can now get a smooth looking circuit.
  • G-metrix no longer working in 3.4.0

    In version 3.4.0, G-Metrix no longer works. I'm able to import the file, but the data is zero throughout the entire video. This was flawless in the previous version. Not sure what happened. Is there a way to revert back to the previous version? Now I wish I didn't do the upgrade at all. The program is virtually useless to me if I can't get G-Metrix working.
  • Ok got it

    In version 3.4.0, G-Metrix no longer works. I'm able to import the file, but the data is zero throughout the entire video. This was flawless in the previous version. Not sure what happened. Is there a way to revert back to the previous version? Now I wish I didn't do the upgrade at all. The program is virtually useless to me if I can't get G-Metrix working.

    Never mind this thread. I see what I did wrong. For some reason when I synced the file, it was way off target and that's why the data showed zero throughout the video. After troubleshooting it for literally an hour, I finally figured it out. Bonehead mistake on my part.