Virb Edit does not read GPX file TrackExtensions?

I'm using manually created GPX files for G-Metrix import, rather than . FIT files straight from my device, because I need to clean up dirty data first.

I am unable to get Virb Edit to load any TrackExtensions, either hr, cadence, or custom extensions. Per the xsd here,, the <extensions><TrackPointExtension><hr> within the <trkpt> element should specify the heartrate.

But, I just get a File Not Loaded error. What am I doing wrong in specifying the GPX 1.1 TrackPointExtensions? How can I get data like heartrate, cadence, temperature to import via gpx file?

Sample trkpt element that fails here:
<trkpt lat="39.6665896" lon="-79.4002724"><ele>383.5999756</ele><time>2015-12-13T13:32:27Z</time><extensions><TrackPointExtension><hr>100</hr></TrackPointExtension></extensions></trkpt>

However, this succeeds:
<trkpt lat="39.6665896" lon="-79.4002724"><ele>383.5999756</ele><time>2015-12-13T13:32:27Z</time></trkpt>
  • Got it. You need to include the namespace identifier in all the extension elements.

    Here's my namespace declaration. xmlns:tp1=""

    So, the following is needed.
    <trkpt lat="39.6665896" lon="-79.4002724"><ele>383.5999756</ele><time>2015-12-13T13:32:27Z</time><extensions><tp1:TrackPointExtension><tp1:hr>100</tp1:hr></tp1:TrackPointExtension></extensions></trkpt>