HomePort 2.1.0 is now available.

A new version of HomePort has been posted to the update server. Use Help->Check For Software Update... to download the new version.

- Both land maps and navigation charts are now supported.

- Improved the display of tide level and tide current properties.

- HomePort 2.1 overall user interface layout and controls have changed to more closely match BaseCamp 3.3.

- United States Federal Mineral release blocks are now shown on the fishing chart.

- Data shown on the fishing chart more closely matches that shown on the chart plotter.

- The create tools for routes, tracks, and waypoint have been separated and are always enabled.

- User Data Sync devices, such as the GpsMap 78s handheld marine device are now supported. This change includes support for Garmin Birdseye Satellite imagery and Garmin Custom Maps on compatible devices.

- The time toolbar has been replaced with a Tide Prediction Time dialog. Tide levels and tide currents are now always displayed on the chart and no longer depend on the state of the time toolbar.

- Tide level diagrams and current arrows can be disabled using the Display Options.

- Fuel consumption calculations outside of the values given by the Boat’s Speed / Fuel Flow table now use the rule that fuel consumed is proportional to the cube of the speed.

- Anonymous usage information is now collected, provided that the user agrees by opting in.

- The route tool no longer picks up names and symbols from the map data and no longer snaps to close lines.

- The route properties dialog now has an add waypoint button.

- Route leg information is now presented with better numerical precision.

- Corrected issue with gray boxes drawn at some zoom levels when certain buoy types were present.

- Improved the import and export of data in GPX file format. (Larger files can now be imported and exported at a higher speed, with a practical file size limit of 50 – 100 MB depending on the contents of the file.)

- The data backup file format has changed. Backups made with version 2.0.4 or earlier will not restore onto version 2.1.0 or later.
  • Looks like HomePort jumps the gun and selects the map product before all the SD cards have been loaded. We'll track the issue and fix in a later release (but I can't tell you when that will happen.)

    Thanks. I guess this is the start of "bug" fixes?
  • 2.1 doesn't even work for me. As soon as I installed it I could no longer start HomePort after a successful update. It always crashed right after contacting Garmin servers. Reboted system, same problem.

    Removed HomePort and reinstalled 2.0.4. Everything perfect and 100% functional, let it update again with the exact same results. Back to 2.0.4 I go and ignore the update I guess.

    This is Win7 x64 system with i7, 256GB SSD, 12GB of RAM.
  • Looks like HomePort jumps the gun and selects the map product before all the SD cards have been loaded. We'll track the issue and fix in a later release (but I can't tell you when that will happen.)

    Confirmed. I am removing excess stuff from my old laptop and I removed MapSource and the Americas Blue Charts and now Homeport starts up with the map on the SD card.
  • We recently bought Homeport 2.04. Now updated by download to 2.1 successfully (..eventually). We are using this with a GPSMAP 78sc handheld unit which we use for marine use only.

    First thing we noted in HP 2.1 is that when the 78sc unit with it's built in charts is connected to the pc, all the tracks, waypoints & routes now show up in the My Collection area of Homeport, all together and unsegregated by category. Okay, so then we scout and delve into whatever can be found about the new HP organisational format and learn about the system of Lists and List Folders. Now have been striving to absorb and learn that methodology, mainly by trial (it sure is) and error (there sure have been). Seems like we Mariners are left to find our own way of making it work for us.

    HOWEVER the main thing which troubles us currently is this: When Homeport 2.1 loads and displays the saved TRACKS off the GPSMAP78sc, a “paint” of ALL the saved tracks permanently displays on the Homeport screen in addition to any track specifically selected to view. So that underlying “paint” (which resembles a kids scribble with one colour of crayon) is always there when viewing tracks. And of course in an area of the chart where there has been a lot of track activity (and tracks saved), this multiple track “paint” really does clutter up the chart display seriously. All we want and need to see is the specific track we have selected, nothing else.

    How has this come about? Have we missed something here? Is there some switch or filter or another way to permanently block and/or get rid of that “paint” of ALL the combined saved tracks on our chart display?

    We would add that this phenomenon occurs whether it's just the HP base map selected or the full detail Bluecharts.

    Have screen captured this phenomenon. As we can’t find a way to attach the .jpg file to this post maybe we can send it by email on request. Help in resolving this problem is keenly awaited. Please.
  • Brig_Man just go to http://ge.tt and upload. No need to make an account. They will give you the link and you can post it here. Very easy.
  • We recently bought Homeport 2.04. Now updated by download to 2.1 successfully (..eventually). We are using this with a GPSMAP 78sc handheld unit which we use for marine use only.

    First thing we noted in HP 2.1 is that when the 78sc unit with it's built in charts is connected to the pc, all the tracks, waypoints & routes now show up in the My Collection area of Homeport, all together and unsegregated by category. Okay, so then we scout and delve into whatever can be found about the new HP organisational format and learn about the system of Lists and List Folders. Now have been striving to absorb and learn that methodology, mainly by trial (it sure is) and error (there sure have been). Seems like we Mariners are left to find our own way of making it work for us.

    HOWEVER the main thing which troubles us currently is this: When Homeport 2.1 loads and displays the saved TRACKS off the GPSMAP78sc, a “paint” of ALL the saved tracks permanently displays on the Homeport screen in addition to any track specifically selected to view. So that underlying “paint” (which resembles a kids scribble with one colour of crayon) is always there when viewing tracks. And of course in an area of the chart where there has been a lot of track activity (and tracks saved), this multiple track “paint” really does clutter up the chart display seriously. All we want and need to see is the specific track we have selected, nothing else.

    How has this come about? Have we missed something here? Is there some switch or filter or another way to permanently block and/or get rid of that “paint” of ALL the combined saved tracks on our chart display?

    We would add that this phenomenon occurs whether it's just the HP base map selected or the full detail Bluecharts.

    Have screen captured this phenomenon. As we can’t find a way to attach the .jpg file to this post maybe we can send it by email on request. Help in resolving this problem is keenly awaited. Please.

    This is a common problem for HomePort and BaseCamp users.

    Here is what I would do:

    Drag the "All Data" folder from the GpsMap78 onto the "My Collection" folder. (Or right-click on "All Data" and then click "Send To" to accomplish the same).

    Then select the new list under "My Collection" which is on your computer. You can now freely edit data in that new "list", which is probably also called "All Data" or "All Data (1)" until you rename. Editing data under "My Collection" won't affect the data under "Devices".

    Once the data is in my collection select and drag the data that you do want to see into a different list, or just delete the track that you don't want to see. Once you have a backup of your data, you can also go back to the device's "All Data" folder and edit or remove the offending track, which was probably created when the GpsMap78 was sitting inside in an area of marginal signal.

    HomePort 2.1.0 treats the GpsMap78s as a "User Data Sync" device, which means that when you look at or modify the data in the "All Data" folder, you are modifying the same database that the device sees. After the GpsMap78 is disconnected from the computer, it re-reads any gpx files which have changed or are new, and deletes data from any gpx files which have been removed. So what you see on the device is what you saw on your computer.

    To look at a sub-set of the data under My Collection, you create a new list. We don't have a way to just look at a sub-set of the data on your GpsMap78, which is probably the source of your frustration. (Adding check boxes to turn on and off the display of items, or other filters, might work but might also confuse people who haven't noticed what they did.)

    I'll take this discussion as a vote in favor of further improving the ability to select what is displayed.
  • This is a common problem for HomePort and BaseCamp users.

    Here is what I would do:

    Drag the "All Data" folder from the GpsMap78 onto the "My Collection" folder. (Or right-click on "All Data" and then click "Send To" to accomplish the same).

    Then select the new list under "My Collection" which is on your computer. You can now freely edit data in that new "list", which is probably also called "All Data" or "All Data (1)" until you rename. Editing data under "My Collection" won't affect the data under "Devices".

    Once the data is in my collection select and drag the data that you do want to see into a different list, or just delete the track that you don't want to see. Once you have a backup of your data, you can also go back to the device's "All Data" folder and edit or remove the offending track, which was probably created when the GpsMap78 was sitting inside in an area of marginal signal.

    HomePort 2.1.0 treats the GpsMap78s as a "User Data Sync" device, which means that when you look at or modify the data in the "All Data" folder, you are modifying the same database that the device sees. After the GpsMap78 is disconnected from the computer, it re-reads any gpx files which have changed or are new, and deletes data from any gpx files which have been removed. So what you see on the device is what you saw on your computer.

    To look at a sub-set of the data under My Collection, you create a new list. We don't have a way to just look at a sub-set of the data on your GpsMap78, which is probably the source of your frustration. (Adding check boxes to turn on and off the display of items, or other filters, might work but might also confuse people who haven't noticed what they did.)

    I'll take this discussion as a vote in favor of further improving the ability to select what is displayed.

    Thanks for your prompt reply. Appreciated. We have followed your advice but so far we have not found any single “offending track” to deal with or remove. Nor are we really any the wiser as to what could be causing this problem. What we see is still the same, every one of our saved tracks has a corresponding underlying “paint” (for want of a better description) all of which display together at the same time all the time. They are all there. If we select each individual track one at a time to view them, what you see on screen is that specific selected track displayed boldly as it should be, and it overlays just the part of that mass of paints which is its own. All else we know for sure is that this problem only occurs in Homeport. It does not happen on the gps unit itself (like when you select and view individual saved tracks in Track Manager).

    Best we illustrate what we are saying by attaching a screen capture picture of how it looks, including when one of the tracks is selected and displayed. The filename is ‘capture 14.jpg’.
  • Brig_man,
    If I'm understanding you correctly, there is a REALLY easy solution to your problem. In the top left of display where it says Library, Right click on a blank area and select New Folder from the popup menu. Namce the folder "Temp". Now, highlight the new folder named "TEMP" by simply left clicking on it.

    Whallah!!! Your chart display is now clean with no tracks, because your only displaying data which is present in the TEMP folder, and the TEMP folder is empty.

    Now anything you want to see, edit, create.... (WP's, Routes or Tracks), can simply be put into this new TEMP folder, and only those items you place in that folder will show on the chart while your working on them. When done, don't forget to copy the new edited data (WP's, tracks and/or routes) back to the folder or device you want them using the SEND TO command.

    Hope that helps.
  • Thanks Machria. That was helpful and as you say, very easy. We still don't understand why it is that multiple saved tracks cannot reside together in the same folder or compartment without that problem arising, especially when the saved tracks each have a unique name. Having to individually physically isolate them to view them without distracting clutter and to work on them does seem a tiresome way of doing things though. And we do appreciate that the multiple track clutter is much more accentuated when you have many saved tracks confined to one smallish chart area, as we had. That will diminish once our early experimentation phase is over, soon we hope!
  • Looks like HomePort jumps the gun and selects the map product before all the SD cards have been loaded. We'll track the issue and fix in a later release (but I can't tell you when that will happen.)

    Version 2.1.1, which is available via auto update, will remember your last selected map from the SD card.