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Cannot pair with Samsung Galaxy Buds

I cannot pair the watch with the new Galaxy Buds headphones. The devices simply don't see each other.

The watch can be paired with other headphones. And the headphones are working fine with a Galaxy S10 phone and a Surface Pro 4 laptop.

Has anyone had any luck with these?
  • I do have exactky the same pbms,
    The Galaxy Buds Pro 2 are fine, as soon as i am using them on the inside, 
    as soon as i am OUTSIDE, starting running, it 's a real NIGHTMARE, better cuting them off unfortunately, Such a shame ...
    My wath is the VENUS, pairing is very good, but sound is cuting all the time, no quality...

  • using GPS or not, the results are very bad with GARMIN VENUS and Galaxy Buds pro 2, a real nightmare, better running wit no music...