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How to record naps (additional sleep) during daytime.

Is there any way to track or add nap during day time. I have some mental health problems that prevent me from sleeping more than 3 hours, so I have to sleep many times to make a sum of 8 hours. Is it possible to do so. Tks a lot for your replies.
  • Sigh.

    TMK17: Again, you are missing my main point: The sleep tracking is no good as it is today even if we consider only the intended functionality and the way it’s designed as of today. That has nothing to do with adding any features or complaining about how it’s not doing something it’s not supposed to do.

    And yes, further I think the limitations by design (i.e. fixed sleep window) are not up to speed compared to others, and therefore I claim that Garmin’s sleep tracking is far behind. It’s only my opinion, but I acknowledge the current status and I’m not requesting anything.
  • Sigh, Saho buy a Fitbit and your worries are over. Sleep tracking will be just as bad and you will enjoy a less featured sports watch. You can then complain in the Fitbit forums about it. ????.... You know the grass is always greener on the other side as they say....
  • bigdwazda: Please read my posts. I’m simply stating my opinion that Garmin’s sleep tracking is worse than their competitors. Am I not allowed to have that opinion? All ecosystems have their pros and cons, and in my opininion the quality of sleep tracking is one of Garmin’s cons.

    Sleep tracking is not a dealbreaker for me personally and as I said multiple times previously in this thread I am very happy with my VA3 in general, and I would never consider switching back to FitBit.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 6 years ago
    I was a fitbit user before I switched to Garmin - and I was always impressed how the fitbit tracker was able to pick up when I fell a sleep on the couch. I would say it was close to a 100% score. Garmin's sleep tracking at this moment is a joke compared to fitbit. Just the fact that Garmin is not able to record more than one instance of sleep per day is beyond my understanding.

    This is from your first post in this thread. It is clear to anyone who reads it that your issue was with Garmin not recording naps. This is when I started commenting in this thread. You later posted you were aware of how Garmin doesn't record outside of the parameters you set for your sleep times. You may have other issues with the sleep tracking feature, but you didn't decide to share that until after my comment. Had you done so, we wouldn't have been going back and forth with each other.
  • I have not said that I have an issue with it. I only gave my view on it’s quality, which I think is quite poor. And yes, I don’t understand why Garmin isn’t tracking sleep around the clock, but I have not said that I expect or request them to implement it.

  • ° how is laying in bed reading different than sleeping? My Forerunner 35, knows that difference.

    It's important to me... and useful. I have a night schedule of 12:30 to 6:30 sleep --- approximately. I don't really track my naps, but I would like to get at least an hour in... and know that I have.
  • Are you talking about the Fitbit One, or another Fitbit model?

  • Hi there, I’m a Fenix 5x plus user!

    If I set my user configuration sleep interval as : 

    Normal Bed Time : 22:00

    Normal Wake time : 21:59

    A. Does it make sense to assume that any time during this period, when I either sleep during the night, or take a nap during the day, the Garmin device will record my sleep on any of these two occasions?

    B. By setting the Normal Bed/Wake Time like I described, will it affect any other thigs ? (Measurements, etc)

    Thank you,


  • For sure it will affect your notifications.

    Other things I don't know.

  • There is no way to record naps on Garmin devices.