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Venu SW 4.60 is now live

This update can be downloaded with Garmin Express or automatically with Garmin Connect Mobile. 

Change Log:

  • Address integer overflow and bounds check vulnerabilities in CIQ virtual machine
  • Improved music experience
  • Added messaging when a Garmin Pay card becomes invalid
  • Improved Wi-Fi error handling and messaging
  • Fixed calendar icons
  • Added Varia radar error messaging
  • Included manufacturing address for FCC compliance
  • Fixed time scale on the activity history widget
  • Improved loading time of activity history
  • Improved the alarms settings
  • Fixed digital seconds watch face data field to improve battery life
  • Added Stress as a watch face data field
  • Fixed an issue with extra preloaded workouts not being removed on a language change
  • Can someone share the downloaded files of 4.60 ? I connect my watch to Macbook, it is showing I have 4.00 version and says I'm up to date

  • Thanks for your efforts with the updates! Nobody ever comes on here to thank your team for the update, only to complain of something not working. Not saying that stuff not working isn't a good reason to post on here though.

  • Totally agree, only really see negative posts.  Well I have had no problems with the updates and my Venu still works flawlessly, thank you Garmin.

  • Timer issue. Set 10:00, let it go. In the middle of the interval put device into the charger. Then observe how device alarms you indefinitely - now it makes bzzz-bzzz for a half an hour already. It is planned? I don't think it is reasonable to alert indefinitely. Let device alert for 5 minutes and close it.

  • Today's dischage rate is a new record from all of my Garmin devices. 100% in a 5 hours. Device became really, really hot.

  • May I ask when you bought your Venu? Or if you remember what SW version was on it? I bought mine directly from the Garmin site and received it early February 2020. The first SW upgrade confirmation screen I can remember said 3.80, so I'm assuming my watch came with 3.40 out of the box. My watch was working great until I went to the 4.x updates. Every morning, I'm in a black screen with active sensors state, or my battery has been completely drained. Sometimes this happens in the middle of the day, and I don't notice until I need to check the time or when I want to start an activity. At that point, I have no idea how long it's been dead for. If there was a way to downgrade to 3.x myself, I'd be doing that, but I don't see any place to download older software bundles.

    I'm here trying to understand and troubleshoot like, I assume, the majority of folks on the forums. Engagement from the Garmin support staff might go a long way here, given that so many people are experiencing so many similar problems. 

  • Just updated to 4.6....and the wallet is empty is showing on the Venu.

    Same thing happened updating to 4.5.

    I asked Garmin if they knew what was causing it and could fix it.

    The readon for the lack of response is now clear.

    They don't kno what's causing it and cannot fix it.

    This is appalling.

    Shame on you Garmin.

    It is so repeatable and should be easy to find the bug and fix.

  • Yes, confirmed. Any Connect IQ watchface, even simple, causes significant delay. Native watchfaces displayed immediately.

  • This morning I woke up with a 5 body battery and my stress level said it was 82.  Never had my stress level above 35 before.   ???

    1. Yesterday it was 91.  I slept well and have never had this happen.  ???
  • This morning I woke up with a 5 body battery and my stress level said it was 82.  Never had my stress level above 35 before.   ???

    1. Yesterday it was 91.  I slept well and have never had this happen.  ???