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Is there a limit on the number of weightings per day in historical data/GC?

Is there a limit on the maximum number of weightings per day that can be stored and displayed in my historical data/GC/GCM?

Let's cut to the chase here, I have been using wifi scales consistently over the past years to weigh myself at least three times a day. I cannot change that routine. Is there a limitation on that number while using the Index scale/GC/GCM platform? I'm sorry but I did not see a disclosure to that effect anywhere in the manual before I purchased it.
  • So now I added my fitness pal to my phone and linked it to GC. It overwrote my weigh in data from this morning. Setting it up, I entered a rounded up weight not realizing it wouldn't pull weight data from GC but instead it would write it's own less detailed data (weight only) to GC.
    WHAT THE F*** !?!

    Of course GC didn't keep a record of my morning weigh-in so I can't fix the error.

    Are the Garmin software developers working with DOS 1.0 ?
    Do we need to accept this retrograde level of connectivity and flexibility from one of the most expensive scales out there???

    In a couple of days this useless brick goes back to the store.

    With MFP and Garmin, weight data is bi-directional. You change it in one, and it's made the same on the other. So the key to avoid this, is never change it in MPF from now on, and let GC send your weight to MFP.

    Prior to the Garmin scale, my weight came from MFP, who actually got it from Withings and my withings scale, so the bi-directional nature is important.
  • It is completely immaterial as to why I want to weigh myself multiple times. If I have a reason then that is my business not yours. What this discussion is about is that Garmin Connect will not allow you control over how you use the scale. If you have read through any related posts you will have come to realize that someone just might want to jump on the scale for any reason at all but if you do, the scale will upload that data and overwrite your morning weigh in. That is stupid. Period.

    Set up a dummy second user for the scale, and switch between the two users (foot tap) if you want it as real data or "other data".
  • Need option for multiple measurements

    Very clearly the Index needs an option for multiple measurements. There are just too many reasons for multiple measurements versus work arounds or excuses why it does not need those.

    What a simple fix and quick win for Garmin to demonstrate they listen and understand their advanced users.
  • This should be a issue that Garmin should take seriously, a weight with such limitations is useless.
  • Contact Garmin

    I excitedly ordered an Index Scale before Christmas - then I read about the limited weighings per day. I found the Garmin, Share Ideas site at and let them know that they need to fix this limitation. Maybe if a lot of us contact them via this method, we may get someone's attention???
  • There is million reasons to weight more then one times a day. 

    Professional fighters weight themselves many times before match.

    Endurance athletes weight themselves before the activity and after to know how much water they lost during the activity.

    Stuntmen and circus performers weight themselves before each show to precisely set bungees, descenders and goldtails...

    I'm sure there is way more people who would find weighting more then one times a day handy.

  • Since these comments are all 4 years old and Garmin has made no effort to correct the problem, they clearly have no intention of fixing it, ever. It's disappointing, but I'll have to return the product. Persistently bad software implementation is making a good piece of hardware worthless.