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Significant increase in calories burnt after 15.10 update

Hi all,

anyone noticed this too? Since the software update I burn significantly more calories, both over the whole day as well as in training.

My routine, training and lifestyle hasn't changed and I have had the Forerunner 935 for over 1.5 years now, so enough data to rely on.

Since the last update I easily burn 500 calries more per day. And I burn significantly more calries doing the same training routines.

This happened from 1 day to the next and I can only suspect it's crept in with the software update. It is very noticable.

When I train with HRM (the Tri version) I also notice that I seem to be holding very high heart rates quite easily in training, unlike before. Like I can go for long intervals at 160 to 170 when I should really be gasping for air if my HR were really that high.

Or alternatively, if I could hold such high rates with relative comfort I would be so fit I shouldn't be burning so many calories doing so! So either way it doesn't add up :)

I always thought that my 935 overcalculated in any case, maybe 10 to 15% too much, but now it just got silly. If I really burnt that much I'd be a skinny lightweight :)

I have gone from 3000 calries daily on average to 3500.

I have gone from 650 calories for a mixed hour long workout to 850. Usually I mix cardio with functional training and aim to keep HR at a fairly high rate throughout..

All of this overnight. At the same time my VO2 level (48) has remained stable and my training load is optimal as always.

Anyone noticed this too ?



  • Good to know we don't have a fight, just an argument ;)

    Most of what I know about diets comes from reading. Like this:

    "Dr Sally Norton, a consultant who specialises in weight loss, says scientifically, attempting to match your calorie intake and calories burned during exercise is impossible to do accurately, anyway."

    I'm a computer programmer. I don't believe there is much science in the calorie intake algorithms. Nor are they accurate for individuals. On the plus side: they should be consistent. 

    I suspect your workouts are more weightlifting things. I know bodybuilders can be obsessive with their food intake.

    I'm a endurance runner. I feel it when I'm to light, and see it when I gain some weight (now during lockdown and working from home.. well I do snack some more). But controlling my weight is quite simpel for me. But I do have to workout with some weights. My girlfriend doesn't like skinny ultra runners ;)