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Optical sensor Damage??

Have any of you seen damage to the optical sensor similar to what is in the attached picture. I charged the watch just over a week ago and there were no crack, the watch has been on my wrist since then. The only reason it was off my wrist was to charge it and I noticed the marks.
  • Oh, I find mine 935 had a crack in the middle of the senor now.  I am pretty sure it was not there last month.  Just one quick question, if i just let it go, will it result in an anti-water failure?  Cause I never trust the OHRM, I use HRM strip all the time training and commuting, so the OHRM accuracy really doesn't matter to me.

  • My FR 935 also cracked the HRM glass this morning. I thought this is a manufacture faulted.

    Do we able to replace the faulty one with Garmin after the warranty expired?


  • An out-of-warranty replacement of the watch here in NL was 106 euros. But by all means contact Garmin by phone; if this is a manufacturing problem they may be willing to help you out.

  • My 3 months old 935 developed a nice crack last week- in Israel they replaced it without any questions.

    even the new watch I've got has a small bobble like  dot in the center of the HR sensor- it looks like something going wrong in the casting creating a weak spot

    my dotted OHRM

  • Hello my friend, i replaced mine too. It has the same bubble. don't worry everything is ok. until it will be cracked again! LOL! seriously they should acknowledge this cracking issue and exchange the model with another one or something. or extend the warranty or replace out of warranty devices without asking for money

  • Where do you see the crack exactly? On your picture I could not see any problem, your watch looks perfectly ok to me unless I missed something?

  • the photo is from the new one Slight smile

  • hello, this has been dusted, all 935 have that dot in the center - so nothing to worry about ;-)

  • I just noticed the same thing on mine. It looks exactly the same.

  • I've had my forerunner 935 since okt 2017 (still in warranty) and last week I got it replaced for the 2nd time for exactly this problem. It is my daily wearer and I only run (3-4 times per week) with the watch and always rinse it with water afterwards. Both times cracks started appearing after about 9-10 months... I'm afraid it is a inherent design problem and not a 'faulty batch', since my two watches were manufactured >6 months apart. To be honest I've lost my faith in this watch and am waiting for it to happen again with my third 935... It will problably be out of warranty then. Asked Garmin customer service to give me a discount (i'm willing to pay for it...) to upgrade to the 945, but they declined.

    Wondering how Garmin will solve this issue when the watch fails out of warranty (okt 2019) the next time. 

    NOT happy at all with this problem, it was a 550 euro watch!