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Log HRV - RR Intervals

I am trying to capture RR Intervals during an activity. What do I need to use the log HRV feature and what are some ways to analyze the RR data? I see I may need a chest strap but which ones definitely work?
  • And allows you to delve into it as required at post #5 above?

    Sort of.

    It will show me a graph of the intervals between each single heart stroke over time. Or a graph over the relative difference to the previous stroke. Or a Poincare plot.

    But I have to make my own subjective assessment of the variations in those graphs since it does not do an attempt of quantifying the current HRV like those nice plots Firstbeat show on their web site.
  • As I like looking at all sorts of data I downloaded the free version of Kubios (thanks to philipshambrook for the suggestion) and I conducted the orthostatic test they describe on myself (5 minutes lying down followed by 5 minutes standing up). Kubios crunched the data in no time and produced two pages of results and graphs. It all looks beautiful but the problem is that I have no idea what the results actually mean. For example one of the results is a Poincaré plot. The software documentation states "The shape of the plot is the essential feature" but does not tell me what a "good" shape and a "bad" shape is. I am on a quest now to find out.

    Maybe as a healthy amateur runner I should just stick to the HRV Stress app on the 935 and let others do the number crunching for me, but that wouldn't be half as much fun as trying to find out if an HF/LF ratio which changes from 6.8 to 9.2 between lying down and standing up is any good.
  • I am on a quest now to find out.

    Many people do. At the end of their loong strenious way they wear funny hats and can be called Cardiologist. Others who fail get disillusioned about their physiology and become depressed.
  • I googled cardiologist and looked at the images results but there is very little evidence of funny hats