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How do I assign gear (bike) to activity profile?

Can I assign a bike to a activity profile?

I have a Mountain Bike and a Road Bike that I use often. I have cadence/speed sensors on each and share a heartbeat monitor for both.

When syncing with connect, strava and mapmyride, I have to go back and choose which bike I used. Is there a way to automate this?
  • Over 6 years pending.  This is quite ridiculous for what is seemingly an easy development request to fulfil. I just submitted the following to the Feature Request link supplied in the thread, if anyone is interested in submitting something similar.

    The gear tracking functionality of Garmin is very incomplete. Please allow for associating specific bikes to more Activities than a generic "biking" activity. You should be able to track trainer gear for indoor biking activity, or a Mountain Bike for an outdoor MOUNTAIN Bike Activity, and/or a road bike for an outdoor non-MTB activity.

    You should also be able to associate "other" gear to a bike, to be able to track mileage on individual component to help track Service Intervals. Once you perform a service, you should be able to reset the value, but still keep the overall total mileage tracking for the gear until it's retired.

    Of course, the bike used in an activity should also come over in the API to Strava.