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Firmware 3.0

Former Member
Former Member
My device downloaded version 3.0 and wants me to install it. Considering how things have gone with past firmwares, I'm waiting. Anybody have any idea what's in it? Anyone upgraded already? Thanks!

edit-- found it!

Changes made from version 2.70 to 3.00:
* Added Varia bike lights support.
* Fixed some issues with personal records.
* Added GPS improvements.
* Fixed activity summary page occasionally showing the previous ride's data.
  • Hello,

    I'm trying to update the firmware of my Edge 25 manually (no admin rights on a Windows computer). I managed to get the update detected but the GPS by putting the "gupdate.rgn" file (renamed Edge25_330.rgn from in the Garmin/Remotesw folder...but then I only get "Update failed" when trying to run the update. Tried "remind me", rebooted, tried again, didn't work either.

    I tried everything...older rgn files, in the Garmin folder, in Garmin/Newfiles. Nothing worked.

    Please advise!
  • finally did you resolved that? Im on the same situation..