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Strava routes fail to down load - error code 0

I have a new Garmin Edge 1030 about a month old. Trying to load strava routes from my android I have the error 'trouble connecting to server Error Code: 0' despite going round in circles loging onto Strava they still wont load. It is only 2 files with short file names. any suggestions?

  • It worked for me too on a Edge 530

  • Finally solved this! Within the Garmin Connect app go:

    Menu > Garmin devices > select your device > Activities, Apps & More > Activities & Applications 

    Press 'Update' on Strava Routes. Then press back a few times will take you to the sync screen. Once complete you can go back to Activities & Applications screen and if update was successful there won't be the Update button there any more.

    Now go back to Connect IQ on your device and follow the prompts to connect Strava Routes - it should work now! It did for me. 

    If this doesn't work, turn off wifi on the Edge device then follow steps above.

  • TL;DR: Remove the number of total routes on Strava (e.g. by deleting old ones).

    Had this issue on my Edge 520 it would always throw a Bluetooth error -402. Tried to reconnect a dozen times and reset the device a couple of times without any luck. 
    I dug into what the BLE error meant and found this:


    Reading this, a light went off in my head. I remember it working super reliably every time then getting spotty and finally consistently failing. The reason was that I had accumulated too many routes apparently (over 120) and it became too much data to transfer at once. After deleting some on Strava and getting the total to around 80 it finally worked again!

    Hope this helps.