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Can't upload courses

I haven't been able to upload course files for the last week. I've successfully uploaded courses many times in the past. Is anybody else having this problem?

  • From RWGPS export as a GPX instead of FIT and give that a try. Sometimes working around an issue is the way to solve it. I always use GPX with no problem what so ever. 

    Suggesting trying something else is fine. But the fact that the FIT file remains suggests that it has nothing to do with the format (or the content of the file).

    Saying that you use "GPX with no problem what so ever" is suggesting that using GPX would be better. There is nothing that indicates that is the case. Lots of people use FIT and TCX "with no problem what so ever" too.

    Another idea. My personal workflow is usually not to go straight to the Edge. Rather I export the GPX from RWGPS, then on the Garmin connect website go Courses and Import. I import in my courses in my account. When that process is completed, I use the Garmin Connect Mobile app to transfer it to the Edge via Bluetooth. If there is an issue with the file the Import process will give you a message - the Edge is not.

    That's a lot of extra work. Especially, to deal with something really rare. That the file remains in \Garmin\NewFiles is odd.

    (You can download courses directly from the RWGPS or GRouteLoader IQ apps. In one step instead of three.

  • Gosh! I was having the same problem, and had tried all sorts of things, including to check that I had free memory space in my device! I did not check the number of files in the Courses folder, but even if I had I would have suspected of some limit if the number was some power of 2, but 100 seems completely arbitrary.. I thought of the possibility of a limit to the number of courses, but surely that would be stated in the User´s manual, but I checked it and no mention, so it could not be that. I contacted Garmin support a few days ago. No response. I have tried all sorts of things: GPX files, TCX files, FIT files; sending the files to my device with Garmin Connect, with Garmin Base Camp, with Strava, manually (with the Windows File Explorer). I have updated the sotware in my Edge. I could go on....

    Now I read your post and check the Courses folder. Yes, I have exactly 100 couses in the directory!. Could it be that simple? If so, it would have been so easy to save me (and probably others) all this time, work and anxiety: just mention it in the User´s manual, or in the Garmin technical support pages, or in an error message in the Edge, or Garmin support could have answered.

    I´m going to delete some courses and try. I´´ll let you know.


  • I deleted some courses, and I could transfer a new one to my Edge without a problem.

    Thanks, Martin!

    I feel relieved that it´s working now, but I still feel outraged that such a basic and simple piece of information does not show up anywhere.  I´ll let Garmin support know. But I don´t know if they are listening.

    Thanks again!

  • I agree that the 100 course limitation should be in the manual but I do wonder what is the reasoning for keeping so many courses on the Edge since it is so easy to transfer a course from Connect to the Edge.

    I have found that the Edge performs better if I keep the ride history and courses at a low level. It seems to start faster since it does not have to deal with those files. Garmin's file system is rather weak and can't handle much of a load.

    I've started to use the Ridewithgps IQ app and that works extremely well for transferring courses.

  • No problem. I remember scratching my head with that same issue many years ago. This 100 courses limit has been around for many many years. It is actually stated on the spec sheet of the product here Now that storage has increased so much in the Edge I have no idea why this limit remains but hey that's the way it is. At least you can keep as many courses as you like in your Connect account and transfer as you need. I regularly clear my Edge and I transfer from my phone when I need a course. Cheers

  • There has to be some limit.

    These devices are slow. Having to wade through a really long list would make people wonder what was taking so long.

    These devices are not intended to be a place to keep all your courses (or activities).

    The problem really isn't that there's a limit. It's that the device is quiet about when the limit is reached.

    100 is a lot of courses. That limit could be increased but that only delays the problem of having too many courses.

  • I got a response from Garmin support, confirming all this and stating that they will consider introducing improvements in this regard. At least they are listening.