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My garmin automatically deletes all segments just after syncing them

i sync and as soon as its finished syncing the garmin pops up with the message deleting segments then a second message pops up deleted all segments

  • I tried loading Garmin segments and everything works correctly. As soon as I try to set up the Strava Live Segments, it automatically deletes them from the device

  • There are 2 different things going on. One is a Strava issue the other is Garmin issues. The delete all segments looks like a Garmin issue. The Strava issue is that they are sending segments with no leaderboard contents. This results in strange behavior on the units.

  • Same here - this has been happening for quite a while. I do have a Straka Premium Account so that cannot be thereupon. What is Garmin saying about this ? Why is there no reply from them in this Forum - I thought this is their own forum.

  • Is there an update or hot fix up for this yet? I'm also experiencing this issue, thanks.

  • Hi!   I started having this issue a week ago and I was able to fix it (at least for me anyways). What I did was I got into the menu setting on my Garmin Edge > Device Reset > delete data and reset settings.  After this is done, go to your Garmin connect app, click on your edge device and click on “forget device” option.  Also, do not forget to delete this device on your Bluetooth setting. When all of this is done,  just reconnect your Edge again as if it’s a new device.  

    please let me know (anyone really) if this worked for you.  Good luck!