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Can't update firmware of a just purchased Garmin Swim via Garmin Express

I just got a stock Garmin Swim with a 3.0.0 firmware. It syncs well the data via Garmin Express and it is properly transferred to although the Garmin Express says that I have 2 Software Updates.

It says I need to click on the Continue and it will take around 3 min, but when I click on the Continue nothing happens. I click several times and nothing happens. Sometimes when I click on the notification bubble of the Garmin Express (Software update is available for Garmin Swim) I see the DATA TRANSFER and the FIRMWARE UPDATE 1/2 for a few seconds, but it goes away and nothing happens.

What should I do? I swim like a pro, so even the stock 3.0.0. firmware detects pretty well the stroke types/laps, but who knows if it would be better with the latest 3.60.

Please advise!