Why release 18.22?

Why on earth would you roll out 18.22 to all watch owners when so many people who've used the beta have reported that it has massive problems, literally NONE of which have been addressed in the last month despite numerous reports?

Right now, you will crash a Forerunner 965 if you try to:

- Run more than 4.9km in a single session

- Re-order the glances page

- Add a glance to a folder

- Remove a glance from a folder

- Add one from your phone

At the same time the heart rate sensor is totally borked. It cannot even latch onto my resting heart rate before starting an activity, so there's no chance when actually running. Choosing to measure via the snapshot and HR broadcast will calculate two completely different numbers. You can leave the watch next to the bed and it'll still come up with overnight resting HR and a HRV score, which means that they've been hallucinating the data for some time.

Maps are still buggy with freak scrolling and panning. Lock on road bug not fixed despite being reported nearly a month ago. It's not possible to inhibit the dodgy optical HRM from influencing activities, so recovery index is totally out of whack.

I'm sorry to whine, and complain, but the arrogance of Garmin is spectacular in this regard. You cannot charge as much as you do for such a ropey product, and then break it with every software update.