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The map feature that drives me crazy compared to 955

Garmin currently services my Forerunner 955 because of its battery issues, and I got to test the Forerunner 965. What I really hate about 965 is that when I'm using maps, the font is way too big, AND the map isn't centered anymore!

It drives me crazy that I can barely see the trails or road in front of me because the map isn't centered anymore! It was fine on 955, why did you have to mess it up? 

  • You only get this placement of the location arrow if you've set the map to rotate based on your orientation. If north is up, the arrow is in the center (which is of course the best place in that case).

    I do agree that the placement of the arrow when the map rotates seems better on Epix. (But this is just a feeling, because I always keep the maps north up, otherwise I continuously have re-orient my brain when reading the map if my orientation has changed. But that's just me.)

  • Yeah, I get it. But I'm an orienteerer, and that's how you learn to read a map. Garmin also chooses to use the map based on your orientation by default. But I agree that sometimes it's a bit hard to follow where I'm going if the map is moving too fast. 

    Also, I think most people don't even know that they could add data fields onto the map - I think it's a great feature, especially because I love to run new trails as much as I can but I also use Stryd to see my power. 

  • I've been wondering myself why I like north up myself (also on phone maps), even though using paper maps I want to of course orient the map based on my own orientation. I've come to the conclusion that it's because with paper maps, it's me doing the rotating, forcing my brain to do the work. With rotating maps, the watch/phone has already done the work and throws the result for my brain to chew on.

    I do agree that map data fields are valuable especially for trail running, where you don't have time to change data screens. For hiking I don't use any map data fields, as I want a full view of the map. It would be nice if 965 also got the perimeter map data fields that Fenix/Epix now has.

  • Yeah, that's interesting and true. I wouldn't want to spend the extra money to buy Epix just because I don't like that, but it's probably my most used feature. It would be great if Garmin would actually read these things but I don't have my hopes up because I waited for some features for almost a year with my 955, and some features never came.

  • I got an answer from Garmin that I have to report that bug so maybe someday it will be gone

  • Ok, great that you got a reply from them, let's hope they eventually move the arrow. (Although being an IT person, I have to say that technically this is may not be a "bug", but rather a poorly designed feature... Wink)